Fixing Path of Exile's Mangled Text Bug

Thanks man, that was really interesting to dig into. Good stuff.
This is why I code in C# and not C++ XD
This was fixed? I didn't know, although come to think of it I haven't encountered it in a while. Nice article too.

Also.... a developer that actually plays? Never heard that before.
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technically thats not called 'kerning', kerning is the adjustable gap between 2 specific letters. the adjustable gap between the letters across whole words/sentences/paragraphs etc is called 'tracking'.
Yo, you guys really should add items based on all the bugs you fix over the years with differ flavors of powerful equal power i think it would be awesome if you guys use ending the level requirements for all gems and items and get rid of the connectors on the board kepts all the spots in the game we currently have for both the atlass and the passive tree and made it freely open to choose any where on the board period for nodes. ASLO DONT FORGET TO KEEP THE GEMS LEVEL UP POWER SYSTEM THO :p

Yet this time you have small meduim and large nodes with the mastery system overhauls to now be a 3rd option based on a passives that not only change game option available but offer generic yet powerful add on's that aid in battle more actively depending on what you want to build your build around. be it spells, melee and ranged all act different and the same mastery works different based on what you use and you can simply use it safely if you have items open ended enough to allow you to do similar yet expaneded stuff like what i talked to poe staff about recently this is an exprection to the other post here.

raise the exile and monster level cap to 200 make the poe original and poe 2 campain and all map content and variants 1000% better than now in terms of loot and item quality it donesnt need everything to be found every where but i want the unique, gems, supports, currency and weapons, armour, belts, jewerly and "power orbs items that can be a new item typ catagory!!!


Wow I found a very very similar bug about 2 years ago in some of our code and nearly came to the forums to suggest a possible cause. Then thought 'Nah, can't be' - Doh!
ty for fix
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nice, would like to see more of this

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