Low Tolerance Notable does not Stack increased Damage but appears capped at 300%, bug or not?

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Use poewiki.net

Oh that is better, thanks. I've been looking for a good wiki.

To answer the other question, YES I DID test it in game.

I actually tested the difference between 4 Low tolerance (including the mastery) and just the mastery.

I saw no difference on the rare mob. Which leads me to believe that it doesn't stack.

I'm hearing what you're saying but I'm hesitant with regards to testing in pvp.

And I'm unsure if you are saying there is a bug here
The node works, the mod is stackable, the effect is negligible even on a character that barely has any damage nodes except the notable, the mechanics is affected by a complex bug that can mess up the result.
You guys should realize that it's "just" 300% increased damage not some monstrous "300% more damage taken.

or that there isn't?
Last edited by jakejjake on May 7, 2022, 3:43:06 PM

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