Low Tolerance Notable does not Stack increased Damage but appears capped at 300%, bug or not?

I'd like an answer on whether or not the Low Tolerance notable from Medium Cluster Jewels Stack or not?

Here is the language "Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage"

I have tested in game using more than one Low Tolerance notable and I did not notice a difference in damage.

So is this instead supposed to read more like Maligaro's Virtuosity "Your Critical Strike Multiplier is 300%"

Is this essentially capped at 300% or not?

If it is then the language needs to be cleared up because it's confusing and has wasted a lot of my time.

Here is another forum post where a user never got their question answered, "https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2833150" and it's the same question.

Here's what the language should look like if it is capped, "Your Damage with Poisons inflicted on Non-Poisoned Enemies is increased to 300%." Or something similar. Frankly, having an increased Damage language and capping it doesn't follow the trend with the rest of the language so more rewording may be necessary.
Last edited by jakejjake on May 6, 2022, 9:22:36 PM
Last bumped on May 7, 2022, 3:42:44 PM
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The wording implies they should stack additively, this is a common increased modifier.

jakejjake wrote:

I have tested in game using more than one Low Tolerance notable and I did not notice a difference in damage.
What skill have you used for the test?
What skill have you used for the test?

I use Earthquake for my test. I removed and added the clusters and saw no difference when attacking a rare mob in maps.

I'm wondering if the "deals 300% increased damage" is meant to mean it's capped or not.

I would think it's a common increased mod as well but doesn't seem to be so.
This is just an observation error.

lvl 1 Dark Pact with 100% poison chance versus some static target that has no regen. I've used three Megalomaniacs with Low Tolerance notable. PvP scaling was active so the absolute damage value is irrelevant.
Each test has been repeated three times.

one Low Tolerance:
62 damage taken

two Low Tolerance:
91 damage taken

three Low Tolerance:
94 damage taken

three Low Tolerance + poison mastery with exact same wording:
for some unknown reason the target took 49, 48, 37 damage three times in a row.
few seconds later I've repeated the test and got predictable values of 98, 97, 98.

The node works, the mod is stackable, the effect is negligible even on a character that barely has any damage nodes except the notable, the mechanics is affected by a complex bug that can mess up the result.
You guys should realize that it's "just" 300% increased damage not some monstrous "300% more damage taken."

Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on May 7, 2022, 11:55:02 AM
This is just an observation error.

lvl 1 Dark Pact with 100% poison chance versus some static target that has no regen. I've used three Megalomaniacs with Low Tolerance notable. PvP scaling was active so the absolute damage value is irrelevant.
Each test has been repeated three times.

one Low Tolerance:
62 damage taken

two Low Tolerance:
91 damage taken

three Low Tolerance:
94 damage taken

three Low Tolerance + poison mastery with exact same wording:
for some unknown reason the target took 49, 48, 37 damage three times in a row.
few seconds later I've repeated the test and got predictable values of 98, 97, 98.

The node works, the mod is stackable, the effect is negligible even on a character that barely has any damage nodes except the notable, the mechanics is affected by a complex bug that can mess up the result.
You guys should realize that it's "just" 300% increased damage not some monstrous "300% more damage taken."

Will all due respect, I disagree. The low Tolerance node also comes with +8% CDoT Multi. You could be observing the result of that.

I'm talking about the 300% increased Damage, which comparatively at higher levels equates to approximately 31% CDoT Multi. At lower levels, it equates to 77% CDoT Multi, and this is according to PoB.

I think you could be noticing that difference. I'm well aware that increased Damage is not super powerful.

I will also refer you to my opening post which references another player who tested a similar way you did and disagreed. Here is the link to that


Maybe we should get some clarification on this as long ago the node was bugged and they patched it in 3.10.1.
The low Tolerance node also comes with +8% CDoT Multi.

But it clearly doesn't.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
But it clearly doesn't.

I don't get what you're trying to say.

Here's the text for low tolerance "+8% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison
Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage"

Also, you could test the 300% increased Damage by taking and untaking the Poison Mastery node of the same type.
I'm saying you're definitely mistaken, the node only has the line
"Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage"
I've used Megalomaniacs exactly in order to avoid the side effect of a rare jewel.

Also, you could test the 300% increased Damage by taking and untaking the Poison Mastery node of the same type.

Have you even read the message?

Excuse me, but that thread you referring to also was affected by the issue we facing here — the author didn't care to read.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on May 7, 2022, 2:31:41 PM
a_z0_9 wrote:
I'm saying you're definitely mistaken, the node only has the line
"Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage"
I've used Megalomaniacs exactly in order to avoid the side effect of a rare jewel.

Also, you could test the 300% increased Damage by taking and untaking the Poison Mastery node of the same type.

Have you even read the message?

Excuse me, but that thread you referring to also was affected by the issue we facing here — the author didn't care to read.


That's for Low Tolerance, and it says +8% Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison.

Does it?

I assume you didn't even test the thing before making the thread.
So what kind of official response are you expecting?

You keep ignoring all I'm saying. I think it's time to me to stop participating in this bs.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on May 7, 2022, 3:00:24 PM

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