Upcoming Improvements to the Archnemesis Panel

with the same space still a shit league if was not for the expansion
this league would be so empty in the 2nd week
need more space for the stash, or some kind of sorting item option which will sort archnemesis on tier / duplicate
So this UI addition is better than I expected, because the recipe line in the drop down indicates whether you have the needed ingredients. So if I could I would add this comment to my earlier post.

It doesn’t indicate how many ingredients or what levels, but that’s at least something.

It’s also sad when I have to drop, waste, or ignore an ingredient, because I don’t have the full recipe, or recipe-sequence. In the league or post-league, I can’t see chasing through maps just for that one rare ingredient, while ignoring potentially rare drops from other recipes. I’d have to keep a cheat-sheet on my other monitor, telling me how rare each ingredient is, and those cheat-sheets haven’t really even been made yet.

So, like everyone else has said: More inventory. Sorted inventory. Stacked ingredients.
Take my advice. I'm not using it.
Once again, narrow minded vision gets in the way of fun and causes more of the same league-fatigue.
Inventory and ui for archnemesis are primitive and limiting. Drop down helps, but the scope was off. League drops are too few and far between and should be stackable or UI should be better organized. Even if you're just running what you've picked up, you're still not playing the league. You're just setting yourself up for one nice recipe every couple maps

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