[3.20] Shockwave Cyclone Build (League Starter) | Slayer | Forbidden Sanctum | Path of Exile 3.20

castlacalson1 wrote:
Hey Beer, thanks for all the help and support with this build.

It’s nice that you take time to help the community with less game experience. I switched to this from a terrible sword spin guide that had me dying all the time. I’m doing much better with this build but I was doing a lot of things wrong that I just fixed. Any chance you could tell me where to go from here?

Thanks again!

Your tree is all messed up, check the one I posted. Also, Abysuss is just going to get you killed.
BeerLeague wrote:
castlacalson1 wrote:
Hey Beer, thanks for all the help and support with this build.

It’s nice that you take time to help the community with less game experience. I switched to this from a terrible sword spin guide that had me dying all the time. I’m doing much better with this build but I was doing a lot of things wrong that I just fixed. Any chance you could tell me where to go from here?

Thanks again!

Your tree is all messed up, check the one I posted. Also, Abysuss is just going to get you killed.

i have a question
with lot of items having life roll mods wouldnt this make this build an expensive one rather than league starter which is supposed to be a cheap one?
Conquitus wrote:
BeerLeague wrote:
castlacalson1 wrote:
Hey Beer, thanks for all the help and support with this build.

It’s nice that you take time to help the community with less game experience. I switched to this from a terrible sword spin guide that had me dying all the time. I’m doing much better with this build but I was doing a lot of things wrong that I just fixed. Any chance you could tell me where to go from here?

Thanks again!

Your tree is all messed up, check the one I posted. Also, Abysuss is just going to get you killed.

i have a question
with lot of items having life roll mods wouldnt this make this build an expensive one rather than league starter which is supposed to be a cheap one?

T1 life and res/ damage is less than 5c per slot. The only thing you should spend currency on every is a good weapon and a 6 link.

100c budget will kill everything minus the feared and some rare maven invites.

Still have a few WIP sections, but overall its finished. will answer more questions in there
Thank you for the build !
Read thru the thread. Main points. Get rid of abyssus, its causing more grief than it helps. The - mana chest is such a relief to not have to worry about mana. 5k health feels pretty okish, way less 1=shots but many near deaths ;)
Hi every1. Playing for 2 week in this game, so excuse) why on top chart on poeninjas, slayer is more better than champ? is there some diffirent in gears? I started on champ, and build like here. may be switch on slayer?
Hi which ways are there to craft high dps warstaff?

which base? With essence or fosils?
Last edited by PersKi17 on Mar 18, 2022, 9:50:06 AM
nice build!I will try to use! I have a lot of fun with builds of cyclone
Guys, how to improve my survivability, i get one shot in every map


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