Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

removals are never cool
Please do remove all of them from the game, the unique pool is terribly bloated at this point, keep the obviously powerful one and nuke the niche ones.

It's funny how nobody in this thread (and on the reddit crybabies side) were ever talking/using any of these uniques but once GGG mention that they're removing them it's the fucking end of the world.

FallenStar08 wrote:
Please do remove all of them from the game, the unique pool is terribly bloated at this point, keep the obviously powerful one and nuke the niche ones.

It's funny how nobody in this thread (and on the reddit crybabies side) were ever talking/using any of these uniques but once GGG mention that they're removing them it's the fucking end of the world.

Because 0,2% use it? And like use it? Its good way to obtain and progres with it
Please give Lilly Roth our hideout a chance to sell quality gems.
I like the removal.
Exilibur wrote:
You are doing the same mistake as the one you did when you decide to remove the menagerie! Then realized it was a bad decision and brought it back!

I used the silver coins all the time!

The prophecies are not meant to be a main component of the gameplay they are one of the flairs that shapes the game. If the game is a dish, the prophecies are one of its many spices that enrich the flavors of the dish and make it stand out among other similar dishes - the other ARPGs!

The prophecies provided extra challenges for the newer players, and even if you manage to twink them a little they could still provide extra challenges for the experienced players - I read somewhere in the notes, that in PoE2 every map will have at least one unique mob, well with the prophecies you can make them 2, even more as the prophecies are random, and the game and not the player can determine when a prophecy is going to pop up on the screen, so they can end up fighting 2 even 3 unique mobs at the same time, and that is an extra challenge for the players don't you think?

If you remove the prophecies you may as well remove the "notes" that are scattered all across the game, and serve no gameplay purpose whatsoever, all they do is tell some irrelevant lore about the game world and that's it, OR you may remove the little cupcakes that you put on the trays in some of the zones or any of all the myriads of little details here and there as the players can't interact with them in any way and they also serve no gameplay purpose apart from providing slightly better visuals to those who are willing to notice them!

Please don't make your game less tasty and blander with such changes!

Absolutely agree with this. Outright removing Navali and prophecies takes an integral flair and flavor out of the game. Terrible decision IMO.
Dont remove The Oak, its an important stepping stone for Righteous Fire builds. Similar to Tabula for levelling, oak enables RF early!
F. Very bad. Prophesies was like additional quests. They was not enough, too hard to get but sometime they make game very fun, unique. For me, most problem there is lack of quests and story in poe. I dont like grind without good story. Like in Diablo games. So it would be cool if prophecies were free but limited by 15 in a day. They could have give you reward for doing some content and motivate to play again for casual gamers.
Last edited by voroncov5050 on Dec 2, 2021, 2:50:50 PM
No more Master Seeks Help, no more Twice Enchanted, no more The Twins, no more Lost Maps, Trash to Treasure, no more super rare 6 linking prophecy (forgot name because I only got it one league years ago), and lots of the items you are calling useless or uninteresting are used in many builds or as a part of progression. Nothing in the announcement covered the disappearance of these game mechanics. The only thing discussed were items that were deemed useless by... someone (who?)... but members of the community are telling you otherwise about these items. While they may not end up in someone's final build they can be a huge part of progression.

Asenath's was not mentioned in the items listed, either. Is it being removed from the game? It is used so widely by many people and into end game content as well.

I am always out of silver coins. Why? Because I use them, constantly. Do I get crappy prophecies that I would rather not complete for the cost of silvers? Yep. Do I mind? Nope. They can't all be winners. I look at prophecies the way I look at other loot, sometimes it's a throw away, sometimes it's a great keeper. Sometimes I might save them because I want to use them in the future. Sometimes they beef up my maps just a bit more.

How about we just get a gem seller in our hideouts and skip the rest eh??

Can you just remove the useless Tormented Spirits (or improve the lack of AI so they don't just run into walls and flail about until they get 1 shot, oh wait it has been several years and this has never been fixed) or Talismans first? We're all sick of hearing how powerful talismans are. They stink. Whoever is deeming that Talismans are so OP is probably the same person who thinks we hate Prophecies. I hope your team listens to your customers feedback on this.
Veritania: When was the last time you saw the sun, Exile? The true sun.

Me, if I actually want to succeed at all in any given PoE League:
Last edited by LizzyInATizzy on Dec 2, 2021, 3:21:01 PM
So long Fated Connections.

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