Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

This is some sad shit. Waited years to get prophecy tab. Now we remove it? Wow. Indeed a sad day.
interesting, i just hope this content will be replaced instead of leaving a hole, but...
3.17 pc only or we (console players) are invited too ?
This league is one of the few leagues I really don't want them to remove. As someone who loves making meme builds I'm very fond of the fated uniques.

How about INSTEAD of prophecy league we remove some other -actually boring- league instead? Why not Torment League? Three unique items to remove and the strange noises of ghosts getting off-screened goes away. I think that's MUCH better than removing prophecy...
What I don't like is removing items, specifically Crystal Vault (it provides a lot of damage reduction especially if you stack it with Aegis Aurora and other sources of max cold res, could use more armour and ES though), Deidbellow (put some life on it and it's fine), Pancakealittle (it's a great way to break into even yellow maps but could definitely use more damage but there's nothing wrong with it not being an end game weapon) and Effigon (a nice way to get truestrike for fire damage attack builds while simply running flesh and stone or even smoke mine if you're feeling fresh). I would have thought all of these would replace their "starter" version like many others did. What gives?
Last edited by SSJ_Squeak on Dec 1, 2021, 6:37:24 PM
omg THANK YOU wow..literally the worst league ever EVER made..i cant believe that was ever a league...

should have done this in 2017
As someone who plays PoE intensively after longer pauses, I believe that removing content is a terrible idea. I keep returning to PoE (and spending money on it) because it has a lot of content, and does not depend on FOMO tactics to retain its player base.

When I play PoE, I play it intensively until I have exhausted the content. Then I wait for enough new content to be made to make me want to play again, experience the new stuff, and rediscover old stuff.

Removing content, even if it's "just" Prophecies, makes it less likely for me to return to the game, because afterward a removal there will be less content to (re)discover. This is exactly the reason why I never got into Destiny 2 even though I had the game or its expansions in my shopping carts multiple times.

This is the first time that something looks like a precedent for a development approach that could make me drop the game completely.
Last edited by Psyringe on Dec 1, 2021, 6:41:41 PM
Good riddance..Bye Nevali!
Strange to want to remove one of the most non-invasive, non-mandatory things in the game. Isn't there larger things in work that need to be concentrated on?
I kind of feel sad since it was so interesting to hear her voice lines during the first playthrough of the game, when I thought the game was about lore and story and setting, before finding out its about making shoes in a "capitalism" sim.

Dear Navali,
We will miss you dearly, you strange character, the one with the interesting voice and interesting colors. You foresaw so much and I got to un-crypt your messages. Thank you for allowing me to save you from the fire boss in the first act on my way to do brighter things, such as spend a whole league locked in a tower. Hopefully your coins will be worth something in your next adventure!
-Exile with leap slam 3 link.(Noob)
While you're at it removing outdated content can you finally get rid of talisman? kkthxbye

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