Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

Remove Torment next thanks
Please reconsider the removal of those fated uniques, especially Crystal Vault. I actually tend to use this in many leagues because of the damage mitigation and other good mods. It's great.
That's great to hear. I hope they continue to cull old and boring leagues in order to reduce the clutter. Also Lilly in HO is awesome.
Wall of Brambles was one of the most exciting items for a league alt, it was just fun to blitz through the regular game a second time immune to most physical damage and it didn't really do anything hurtful to the endgame.
Deidbellow is fine... just remove the "can't leech" and it would get used.

Please reconsider this one.
replace the starting unique versions with the fated ones (keeping the lvl of the starting one) that will make the fated version usable and strong for the lvling progress while not broken for the endgame

About prophecy removal i never liked it or hated it it was just there for me.I was randomly doing them at maps or while lvling and just opening new ones ocasionaly when i was trading my div cards

Speaking of div cards there are even more trash.div cards and the pool is so huge so i will w8 for the div card rework like an npc selling div cards or div card recipes

Would have put talismans also but as this was chris fav league (as he said in older vids) probably we will get old with it
Will we get 3.17 on consoles?
A good change!
I hope you'll reconsider the removal of these fated uniques and instead come up with a vendor recipe or some other system for upgrading them. From a collector's point of view it really sucks that items get removed unless I want to trade for them on standard (which I don't, because the whole point of collecting for me is to find the items myself).

But tbh I saw this coming when I found out the high end crafting recipes were moved to maps.
While I didn't like Prophecy system much and I am ok with it's removal

But I don't agree with the removal of some of the fated items
some of the items mentioned to be removed have interesting and unique status for example:
Deidbellow: nice option for physical or Warcry builds that don't want to go Abyssus.
The Effigon: nice option for accuracy if you cannot stack it and cannot give up your shield slot
The Gryphon: nice leveling unique that I am sure a lot of people would love to see as core drop

I don't know if there is a case to be made for the other uniques
but they are not that many so why not add them all to core or at least keep the fated version and remove the current base version (with the exception of The Gryphon as the base is also a fun leveling item)

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