[KMGL] 🍻Kill Mobs, Get Loot🍻League-SC✔️Casual+ ✔️Discord✔️Organized Stash✔️Hideout

Still active, still looking for new friends to join us!
KMGL Guild: /3193350
Still recruiting!
KMGL Guild: /3193350
Join us Today!

DM me on Discord :)

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Aethroz Discord Profile

Search for me on Discord: Aethroz#3333
Message me in-game: @Aethroz
If I'm not online in-game, or I'm AFK, message me on Discord and I'll respond as soon as I am able.
KMGL Guild: /3193350
Last edited by Aethroz on Jul 18, 2022, 11:35:07 AM
Join us Today!

DM me on Discord :)

Discord Server Link

Aethroz Discord Profile

Search for me on Discord: Aethroz#3333
Message me in-game: @Aethroz
If I'm not online in-game, or I'm AFK, message me on Discord and I'll respond as soon as I am able.
KMGL Guild: /3193350
Setting Groups for 3.19!
Join today!
KMGL Guild: /3193350
Join us Today!

DM me on Discord :)

Discord Server Link

Aethroz Discord Profile

Search for me on Discord: Aethroz#3333
Message me in-game: @Aethroz
If I'm not online in-game, or I'm AFK, message me on Discord and I'll respond as soon as I am able.
KMGL Guild: /3193350
Still going strong
KMGL Guild: /3193350
i saw your guild post on discord. is there any way i can join? ive never been in a guild despite playing for years lol. wanna try something new. ign WalkingBoomStick

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