Eternal Labyrinth Improvements in Path of Exile: Scourge

I had no problem with the old system :) finding them and sharing them with your chat channel was nice. I liked the feeling of "i need to run uberlab to get another completion/perfection" for my char aswell.

i guess its a good change, that lets you focus more and faster for other things!
Pretty Neat.

"Trials of Ascendancy will only spawn in yellow maps and higher." Not a fan of this, don´t think that was needed, but as a whole a big improvement!
Not an SSF player so doesn't affect me, but seems like a change they'll be happy with.

Still think completing one lab should grant credit for all lower labs, letting players who are overconfident skip normal and/or cruel labs
Le Toucan Will Return
Best spoiler of 3.16! Nice recovery from the Sacred Orb GGG! Well played.
One of the best change! I love it!

a_k_a wrote:
I don't like this... A change for the casuals and lazy players...

Players that have to work 10 hours a day to provide for their family, but try to squeeze out as much time for the game are lazy. A player like you that play this game all day long is hardworking. That sounds about right.

Good change GGG!
The first good thing to come out in months.
This.... Is Good... Thank you!
A Grandpa that happens to love Path of Exile. Maybe a little too much.
i hated doing the trials so i really like this change


omg trials are the worst, its literally the worst thing in the entire game. every one of them is like all the annoying parts of running the lab x3 then put in one gauntlet of awful traps upon traps.

can we just make the trials not the worst thing in the entire game? i run the lab, i actually farm lab and yet i NEVER run trials. i just try and get offerings elsewhere, i cant bare it, its so painful i want to stick my head in a blender to make it stop.

i often dont even do my 4th passives when i play leagues, i just run on the first 3 labs and never do the uber lab because the idea of having to do trials is just so awful.

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