Communication and the Sacred Orb

Most players won't focus on getting their defenses pure 1337. And knowing how RNG works, most of the player will have 7,5% to 0% less defense per item.
And for the love of Sin, why the heck Sacred Orbs? Why Armorer's Scrap caint do that? IT'S JUST A FREAKIN BASE DEFENSE, not an elevated mod!

Thanks to such idea you could increase the need to pick Armourer's Scarps (+ you could do the same to weapons and make their bases being crafted by Blacksmith).

Then, instead providing another mechanic and (for most players) worthless Orb, you could increase the value for those lower things.

Besides, if you wanted to add new Orbs, you could add Shaper and Elder Orb, which would be similar to Conquerors (same mechanic, gives Influeence and one Influenced Mod).

With current number of Orbs you could create a really cool set of different recipes and "actions".

Prepare some kind of a competition like you used to have for Uniques in Beta and people will share their thoughts without hesitation. Heck, I can even do that for free.

Last edited by sowus on Oct 12, 2021, 8:41:32 AM
Kaytrim wrote:
I agree with the OP on most points, except that they are not catering to the streamers, but to the top 1%, some of which are streamers.

I should clarify. Not all streamers. But their small cartel of deeply pro GGG streamers, like Ziggy and the other featured players that get access (journalism?) only to throw softball questions and sing praises to their huge communities.

Bob's stream with 15 viewers is obviously not that.

But there are people with whole careers and dozens of patreons that do nothing but stream for poe, and being real, GGG has total control of their real lives because they essentially employ them under the table.

Imagine for example what it would do to Kay (summoner streamer) if they banned her account, which according to the terms of service they can do for any or no reason.

This is large manifestation of a deeper problem: A complete lack of consumer rights in the gaming sphere.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Genjitsu wrote:
cjimaras wrote:
PatchWorkCat wrote:
More RNG is the last thing POE needs, but they feel the ten year old game is getting stale, So better get some more ideas from the twenty year old game. I love the customization in poe, but there are to many layers of RNG at this point. Hope they change direction, but at this point I doubt it. I'm off to roll the dice to see if I skip this league or not.

Best comment ever!!
Let's all rename GGG to RNG!

"Really-Not-Grinding" ?

Is this, perhaps the illusion we are being sold ?

Next somebody will tell me that Mirrors are real ?

Sorry but not once since my account was created, and it *has* to be my fault right ?...

or, right ?

Got a Mirror of Kalandra and HH as random drop this league. kekw
Chris wrote:
The Sacred Orb is more than three times rarer than an Exalted Orb. It is currently the second-rarest currency item after the Mirror of Kalandra...

Considering everything I've never seen in 7 years of your game, this choice of yours doesn't surprise me.
But it sure is that this will not make me go back to this game .... your rng is extremely obnoxious in some cases meaningless.
That's not what POE needs to be a good game again (at least in my view).
Thanks all the same for your attempt.
GGG is so firmly against deterministic crafting they don't even want you to have a solid base type to start with.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked random loot. I put random mods, of random tiers, on your random base item stats, with random quality, from random locations, so you can random your random while you random random.

Because random is more fun, so more random is more fun right!?

I know you put sharks in a cyclone, but I didn't think you were going to be jumping them.
kertyr2 wrote:
My man, you cannot make "FAIR TRADE FOR EVERYONE" without hard restriction, this is nature of economy. There always will be some 1% percenters who abuse it to hell. Im not happy with some things in poe too, but you a bit fatalistic.

Maybe try ssf for 1 league or smth else? It plays very different, and sometimes you catch yourself enjoying things you didn't even notice in trade league. So if you don't wanna be 1% percenter personal slave try it out.

Firstly, sure they can. Simply gut the power of endgame hyper expensive items instead of (first post related) create content expressly to give the 0.1% something to burn currency on.

It's ironic because the solution is their business model. Make the top end cosmetic in game. Put a high but 3 month employed top 10% average ceiling on actual vs-content power.

Shift all that min maxing spending into cosmetics and pride items that disappear at league end or are account bound.

Point being they can address this because they control the physics of the universe that economy is bound to. The price of wheat is yours to commend if you can control all wheat at the genetic level.

Secondly, I would happily live in SSF except that the game isn't playable that way because of no deterministic way to farm build uniques. They should make Gwen offer only uniques and then make her core.

Venders generally badly need a make over since they are completely absurd. Those trash items would not be offered for sale. And buy prices would not be so fixed and flat.

Again, an example of how they can control trade easily.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Serdoa wrote:
I guess you'll put me in the category "zealous fan"

Well, yes. There's nothing in your replies that isn't obviously addressed with a moment's thought and I'm not going to spend two hours fighting with this archaic format doing it.

After all, I have no illusions about impact, I'm never going to change anyone's mind. And neither is any third party whose arguments I might improve.

And even if I did, GGG is under no obligation to obey us anyway.

Like I said originally, the game is a dented can of spinach. Grateful to have it, awful meal. I live in hope it will someday become a glorious spinach pasta dish :)
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
yea ggg i dont want to be so negative but this is the single worst change ive ever seen you guys make. an addtional axis of perfection is just another way of saying "more grinding and more rng". this "quality that isnt quality" system you guys are implementing here is ridiculously stupid. i'm teetering on quitting your game. the decisions made the last 2 leagues abdsolutely baffle me.

i love you guys and know you're trying but these changes are abysmal. please rethink this "quality that isnt quality" change. it's horrendously stupid.
Honestly feels like you're out of touch with your game. Nobody cares about even harder methods to create perfect items, because nobody is fucking creating perfect items except like 10 people out of the 150000 playing.
Guys, your pitchforks as well as your reasonings belong to the middle ages.

This is a minor change in a video game. It's some new min-max'ing, nice to chase for players who play a lot, not really significant for other players.

How do you get so triggered over that? Play another game or whatever. Jesus Christ.

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