Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

Saying "hahahah" and "cry more" is being rude? Wow that's a pretty low bar.
Stupid GGG, stop nerfing RF!
impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

How to kill another aspect of endgame and stomp a 10+ mir build into history.

I played this build for 5 leagues now, improving it bit by bit every league.
About 15-20 mirrors of stuff, soon to be obsolete.

Aura effect gone from clusters, clusters unuseable.
i'd need 588% increased reservation efficiency on my gear to run all my 16 auras, which is impossible with 2% on jewels.

this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, you disregard the time i spent on this build in one single patch because reddit crybabies are complaining about party play. again and again you kill things in collateral from multiple angles.

the solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others and leaving reservation alone as it impacts other builds aswell. now you probably ruined a bunch of builds with those changes, not just aurabots and stacking.

we'll wait and see how it plays out. If 3.16 is not the ultimate bomb league mechanic to make up for this loss, i will quit this game

[Removed by Support]
Pictures of the rude pms i am getting. I guess you're allowed to be toxic in pms, but you're not allowed to show that to anyone.

Here is an accurate version without the name and shame

The balance team and chris being out of touch with their game isn't the only reason why this game is going downhill.
The community is more toxic than ever, more so than the community of eve online. Alot of people i play with in standard are chill, but this? I can't imagine what goes through your head that you gain joy from sending me those pms, does it make you feel powerful or that you received some kind of twisted justice? Does it statisfy your jealousy?

Saw the pics before it was taken down. People sure are awful in this community. I say this thinking even though I both think the changes to Auras are good and have played a multi mirror aura stacker in previous seasons. It's pretty incredible people are making excuses for the rudeness too.

Lol you might need to go outside and experience the world a little bit if you think those messages are bad
Aura stacker too strong? i only play it when it nerf in the first time , and even getting nerf i still play it because it fun , and it fking expensive to make it work , lol if i want strong ass build i just play a damn FB build, aura stacking need 10+ mirrors to reach that dps with decent defence , lol alway talk about build diversity but alway pick meta build to play, meanwhile off meta build is just gutted to the ground , if u think this change affecting group play and bots keep dreaming , see u in league
It really feels like a lot of these "Problems" are "Opinions" about you guys not liking the way certain things are currently functioning. And a lot of the "buffs" are only that in name, but actually "n.e.r.f.s." to the overall gameplay experience.

A lot of tradeoffs on things that currently work, to HIGHLY experimental idea's that won't be changed mid league if they fall flat because SOMEONE thinks that people currently suffering from bad balance & having a bad experience by choosing the wrong build should suffer & continue to do so for the entire league because they don't want to offend the an IMAGINED group of people that MIGHT get upset by fixing said things, because catering to the HAVES rather than the HAVE NOTS is more important.

I like the idea of allowing more aura flex for non specialized builds, tho the unjustified murder of auramancers & cursemancers as a valid playstyle feels extremely hostile.

And again, the absolute hate for the Decay Chaos dot as a valid support option. Why do you hate Decay?
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
Love the communication. Glad I didn't have to go to Reddit to find it. It looks to have been a lot of work, thank you
I was fine with nerfing Aurabots and cursebots, but was the stacker nerf really necessary. Simply deleting a high investment build because there is another build that is broken doesn't seem like the sensible thing to do. You could have made Aura effect clusters only apply to you and added a keystone that changed that but added an aura limit. Like there were so many different ways to nerf bots and not stackers but lo and behold. RiP aurastackers you will be missed. :'(
LOL thanks GGG was enjoying D2R. Would have been hard to stay but you made my choice easy with these OMEGALUL changes.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
tiritto wrote:
BrainlessAF wrote:
the only thing I see GGG doing is FINALLY getting people out of their comfort zone and getting people to try new builds. How long has Aurastacker been around? We all agree that it was clearly too strong. Isn't it boring after all this time? Grab your genitals and look forward to new stuff.

They don't get people to try new builds. They basically nerf a de facto only support-oriented archetype without giving us any alternative. I would LOVE to see more options, but there's nothing there. If I wanted to just do damage and shoot things at stuff, I could just do that in singleplayer.

It's easy to focus on the loss of one, totally overpowered archetype that remained OP for so long that it became its own archetype...

But consider how the changes could create BETTER party play. What if party composition needed to be more tactical and cooperative than "One Aurabot; everyone try to keep up, and GO. DPS and drop my frames FTW!"

GGG has set themselves up for your criticism, though -- I give you that. For so long, PoE has been a competitive race which has promised the elusive top tier spots for the right balance of all mechanics. And for what it is, it's worked well enough. But I think they need to decide:

(1) There is one best way to play this game: DPS and don't die. Reduce the amount of skill gems cuz only a fraction are ever going to actually be used. Lean into archetypes that are all built in similar ways and dependent on certain core mechanics. Lessen crap drops everyone filters out and never looks at anyway. Simplify base items cuz everyone uses a Tabula till maps anyhow. Do more Breach/Abyss/Incursion/Ritual/Kill everything as fast as you can content cuz that's really all there is to do in this game.


(2) This is a game about hard choices. You WILL NOT, by DESIGN, be able to do EVERYTHING with one character. Every character and type of character should have reasonable ability to progress through the 10-act story, which also teaches mechanics along the way, but by maps, a player should expect to level more than one character to fully complete and conquer 100% of the Atlas and/or be completionist with league content.
I play mostly solo ... but I dont understand why people who CHOOSE to play in a well developed group should be punished with these nerfs ... all because a vocal bunch of whiners complain because they're jealous or something. This just seems very punitive and reactionary tbh. No more watching Opening week league streams with good groups showing us what we could aspire to if we bothered to play with our mates. Seems a bit sad to me.

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