[3.18] 🍄 Sporeguard Incinerate Elementalist 🔥 3-10M Shaper DPS & Tanky 🔥 League Start To Endgame

The buffs to Artic Armour seems interesting to me in regards to incinerate. Especially in combination with the Sporeguard chest and the Nature Respite jewel, some sweet damage reduction. Since, we are "stationary" while casting. I will probably start the coming league with a version of this build because I know it will carry me to shaper with barely any investment :)
GLORIOUS VANITY: This jewel (when rolled w/ a Sacrificed In The Name Of Doryani affix) transforms a nearby keystone into 'Corrupted Soul' which essentially gives us 15% extra health. The caveat is 50% of damage now bypasses our energy shield, but we have the dual life + es leech to support the mechanic and should be fine as long as our chaos resist isn't too low.

...we have the dual life + es leech to support...

I feel like I've seen this somewhere, but I don't know if its a notable, or a keystone, or ascendancy, or what.... where do we get this? I can't find it.
Kayyne wrote:

...we have the dual life + es leech to support...

I feel like I've seen this somewhere, but I don't know if its a notable, or a keystone, or ascendancy, or what.... where do we get this? I can't find it.

Seen what? Dual life is having both life and es; es leech is on an anoint
I thought I had seen some effect that splits leech or regen or recovery 50/50 between life and ES, and this was what was being referred to in the OP quote.

Edit: I took the quote to mean dual >> life leech / ES leech ... not dual life/ES and separately ES leech. --- Just looking for clarification.
Last edited by Kayyne on Aug 27, 2022, 9:27:04 PM
Could this build make use of the new Ralakesh unique boot effect?
Thanks for posting your build and explaining everything. I'm a inexperienced player and i was wondering about the elementalist tree why you have picked shaper of storms while the whole build is fire damage based? What's the idea behind it? I've seen the comment posted by Torstein, so i guess that's the reason :) Nevermind then.
Last edited by Fredleeflang77 on Dec 31, 2022, 10:56:25 AM
Anyone else still using this build? Its certainly viable but sanctum and eater of worlds influenced maps have been rough.
Have to say i'm really loving the build , its fun and probably the best build i have played so thanks for sharing this build.
Last edited by TheHoof on Jun 5, 2023, 9:08:05 PM
With the new 'Soul Ascenscion gloves' and 'incinerate of venting' the DPS will at least be doubled against bosses (> 20 mil. dps). This setup will require you to use Frostblink as movement skill, to be able to move while channeling.

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