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The problem is not too many splinters. I feel that choosing to reduce them in future releases is not the right plan. This kind of currency is interesting as it gives you something to farm and interact with the game in a different and interesting way. The part that player don’t like is picking them up and having them clog their inventory. It forces players to have to dump stuff in their locker after every map which slows the game down.

A solution: Make the fragments go directly into the locker as soon as picked up. If you want to make it even easier for players, make them like metamorph pieces that never show up on the ground and just show you how many you got when killing a mob or opening a chest.
more nerfs please
_Keijo_ wrote:
Problem with the splinters are they take up my entire inventory unless i stash every single encounter. I just wanna blast through 10 maps before stashing

Yes... who decided it was a good idea a single splinter-type should be take up 2 or 4 inventory slots?

This is ridiculous. There are too many splinters types for them to be taking up more than 1 slot each. One can even argue that 1 slot is too much, and that the splinters should auto-pick and go directly to the league's splinter stash.
game now is just NO FUN, trapers / totem's, welcome to 2015 TY GGG
Expedition is an apt name considering the amount of people who have left in search of something better.
y its terrible. immunities shouldnt be in POE!!!!!!!!
Too much disrespect from all angles from devs to players to streamers to players,players to players and vice versa.
Everybody wants what THEY want which is fine i just hate the fallacy of streamers and devs always saying ohhh its fine everything is good then when corrections are made they take 3 steps back like wow yes this is cool.
But anyways i do understand now that this game from this point on will be built around temporary supports to maintain players and everything that is given will be taken away,so with that being said,i will not care about any addition or subtraction to the game just a bunch of reactions reacting to reactions reacting to reactions.i will just try to have fun with whatever the result is Thank you
"Having said that, we hear you. There are too many types of splinters in Path of Exile. We will be mindful of this for the design of future releases."

You say this every damn time you release new content with "splinters" and then turn around and do it again. If the stuff can't be auto picked up like in delve, just don't add it.
Narszosh7 wrote:
FightFW wrote:
Thank you very much for sticking to your idea!! The changes are good, keep it up, luckily for next league all the toxic reddit idiots are gone :D

Sure... because people who insult are not toxic, right? sure that 23% are the toxics and here remains no one toxic people who label others and insult them because a videogame, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

Good luck with that "non-toxic" people that stay, im the "23% expected numbers" then maybe im one of that "toxics", have fun.

Ok Mr. Zero challenges. Have fun letting your opinions on things be dictated by randoms on reddit. Buh bye.

what "reddit" are you talking about? now GGG is a random?
Full Harvest is besto waifu, give me 3.11 and/or 3.13 and take my money.
Don't worry about the Reddit entitled negativity GGG, nerfs and stopping power creep is the right move for the long-term health of the game. This is actually reassuring that you are true to your vision.

I hope more nerfs will come in the future as I think this didn't touch the surface of the power creep of the past few years.

(May I suggest removing influenced items? or at the very least conquerors influence, they are the biggest offenders and most of these mods belong on unique items not rares)

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