Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

Haubrich wrote:
If something is off, we need to provide feedback, and I'm sure that GGG will hear it. At the same time, not everything can be reverted. GGG has some very talented and creative employees, and they will find a way.

Indeed, sir, and here is a bit of the anticipatory/precautionary sort...

"Many players are able to complete mid-difficulty boss fights in a fraction of a second, without any interesting interaction. Our ability to create interesting boss fights and monster combat is removed when players are routinely killing those monsters or bosses before they have used a single ability."

About how many is this 'many', really? I would ask because I cannot recall seeing such a thing, ever. Yes, people have done this, but it seems difficult to argue that they are representative of the majority of the player base. And what, for purposes of this discussion, would be a 'mid-difficulty' boss? It is all well and good to want to bring some sense of balance to the game by reducing players' damage output... but what about the things that have made players see such figures as necessary? For example, I have read about - and experienced - situations where it is nearly impossible to sort out everything that is going on, and guaranteed-kill attacks/effects that have little warning (quite aside from screen clutter obscuring them). Between that and network connectivity issues, it seems entirely understandable that players want to obliterate enemies before such situations have opportunities to arise. It's one thing to die because you made a mistake; quite another - and far less acceptable, when the cause is something you are literally unable to avoid.

On this note, I would propose scrapping the XP penalties in favor of a temporary debuff to XP gains. For example, instead of just losing 5% of what is needed to level up, that character would instead have a debuff that reduces gained XP by X% (after Act 5) or 2X% (after Act 10) for a period of time. The value of X, as well as the length of time, would need to be determined, of course.

In addition, balancing should take into account that not everyone is willing or able to deal with the, in my opinion again, mess that is the current state of trading. The fact of having to faff about with external sites was to me proof that engaging with the trade system is a strange game whose only winning move is not to play.

With respect to 'flask piano', that seemed to me a practice to avoid in the first place. Whatever benefits come from the flasks aren't worth finger or wrist injuries... and, again, adjustments to flasks should also involve looking at the situations which seem to have so many think that they have to constantly trigger them.

I see the next step as, well, engaging with the new systems and seeing for myself how these observations and speculations match (or don't) with objective reality.
White Knight of the Order of Mihoshi Enthusiasts
"Destroyed overnight, or the next one's free."
I was here. A necessary step on the journey to PoE2!
Honestly, I dig it. If you manage to rebalance the loot and endgame-loop in addition to making the gameplay feel more rewarding, I am so looking forward to spend another couple hundred days in future iterations of PoE.
I expected a well thought-out rebalance. But it's definitely not delivered this time.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on Jul 24, 2021, 4:18:42 PM
so golem builds on the elementalist are dead again?

Firefly00 wrote:
Haubrich wrote:
If something is off, we need to provide feedback, and I'm sure that GGG will hear it. At the same time, not everything can be reverted. GGG has some very talented and creative employees, and they will find a way.

Indeed, sir, and here is a bit of the anticipatory/precautionary sort...

"Many players are able to complete mid-difficulty boss fights in a fraction of a second, without any interesting interaction. Our ability to create interesting boss fights and monster combat is removed when players are routinely killing those monsters or bosses before they have used a single ability."

About how many is this 'many', really? I would ask because I cannot recall seeing such a thing, ever. Yes, people have done this, but it seems difficult to argue that they are representative of the majority of the player base. And what, for purposes of this discussion, would be a 'mid-difficulty' boss? It is all well and good to want to bring some sense of balance to the game by reducing players' damage output... but what about the things that have made players see such figures as necessary? For example, I have read about - and experienced - situations where it is nearly impossible to sort out everything that is going on, and guaranteed-kill attacks/effects that have little warning (quite aside from screen clutter obscuring them). Between that and network connectivity issues, it seems entirely understandable that players want to obliterate enemies before such situations have opportunities to arise. It's one thing to die because you made a mistake; quite another - and far less acceptable, when the cause is something you are literally unable to avoid.


Let's be real : they have NO clue what many is many, it's a convenient terminology to justify their actions
*Cast On Damage Taken: The level requirement of gems augmented by Cast on Damage Taken may not exceed the level requirement of the Cast on Damage Taken gem.
*Fixed a bug where people logged in to play
Last edited by Jayserix on Jul 19, 2021, 8:04:19 PM
Not that you care but I’m good with all but 1 thing and that is you now periodically and retroactively nerfing cluster jewels. These are a pain to roll and good jewels are expensive to trade for, and unlike normal items that can go legacy, cluster jewels do not. They keep getting weaker and weaker which defeats the purpose of why you introduced them in the first place.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
It is time to me skip a league.

As a veteran HC player tired of dying to RANDOM magic mobs (one shot), I can't read things like "Oh this game is easy guys, we are removing your flasks to make it more challenge" and back to this game.

[Removed by Support]

see u again next patch
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS on Jul 19, 2021, 8:01:20 PM
Im ok with nerfing dmg , good for the game . but what about balance monster damage GGG (Harvest monsters , legions , aura stacking rares , delirium , oneshot offscreen mechanics and many many other bullshit)? you missed that part oh you didnt have enought time for that in 3 months ,i guess is this last part , it will came next patch i guess , im fine , ill buy supporter pack next league then :D . exicet for new league btw .
this is the schield-charge league

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