Development Stories: Path of Exile 2 Narrative Design Philosophies

Perma Frost Bolt FeelsGoodMan Clap
Perma Frost Bolt FeelsGoodMan Clap
Armour-Piercing Bolt FeelsGoodMan Clap
Perma Frost Bolt FeelsGoodMan Clap

Aside from the trailer memes though, PoE has historically had some of the best voice actings I've heard to date in the genre and I can't wait for what's in store for us in PoE2. I still listen to random monologues rather than music during league starts and I'm usually not the lore hunting type in aRPG's but it just sounds so good :')
What I really loved is you slowly through the years building up the world. When I watched the second PoE 2 trailer and gameplay, I know who the Maraketh are but at the same time what I know is very little in hindsight, they are there in the back of my mind. Seeing how you expanded them feels like a very natural process I was in awe and there is this certain sense of familiarity even though most of it is new. The long-term storytelling really paid off, we are on the cusp of the time skip, which in a lot of manga I read is just the beginning of more exciting things to come. I'm really looking forward to things you'll show in the months to come.
I want to know after Grigor!
The morbidness of the cutting down of the bodies at the beginning of Act I and the piles of bodies in Act III on the quest to kill Piety are the worst part of the story line - unnecessary overkill and grating over time. Some of the characters in the story line (like Piety herself) are quite entertaining - Alva is good, Einhar, Niko - I would keep it light and humerous rather than trying to drag us down with the body piles.
I really like where this is going. Every play through will feel much more organic and different each time. As to what should make it into the sequel... I think almost everything after Betrayal feels like a void, that needed to be filled with bland stories and characters, because of newly introduced game mechanics. I would not mind them being put to rest.
The PoE campaign story however, including shaper/elder lore, is very memorable and would surely add to the depth of the sequel with some references, Easter eggs, or appearances of cool NPCs.
I skip all the dialogue and stuff in PoE. This is not because I think it is terribly written or anything like that: It's just because it scrolls so terribly slowly and being forced to spend 3 minutes reading something I could read in 30 seconds if you just showed me the text is excruciating.

It's especially bad when it's not even voice acted. But I also don't want to take 3 minutes to listen to an npc monologuing in a fast paced aRPG.

Basically: Please adopt a better version of giving the players text than the star wars title crawl.
i dont think we need new ACTS. we need endgame grind.

not even trying to open our eyes. still closed.
Last edited by in_hop_in on Apr 24, 2021, 1:23:56 PM
Einhar ofc!
My best friend!
But i don't have nets...
Nice !
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