Development Stories: Path of Exile 2 Narrative Design Philosophies

Thank you for this great game!

About the answer: Grigor!!!
How about Nessa, having been tossed free of the Brine King at the end of the fight, alive and well living her new life as a now well adjusted and adapted mermaid?

State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
man PoE2 sounds so exciting, i cant wait! good job GGG!
corpsehound wrote:
start with a story. Give me some possible goals and let me achieve them in one way or another. Start with quality writing, good dialogue, and great characters. Maybe then people won't skip it all

Well it all was already present in Heist, still people completely skipped it and complained that Heist was horrible 🙄😆
I'm hoping that the sense of personality to each of the classes expands a bit.
One of my favorite details about the early game is how each different class has their own comments towards different bosses/zones.
That really gives a sense of individual personality to each of them.
Always loved how vicious the witch is in her retorts, and how apathetical the shadow is about basically everything.
then randomly brought them a highly personal item like a cat dropping off a dead bird. But thanks, I suppose?

Is this missing a comma or is it just me? I read it as if I gave the npc a cat that dropped a dead bird. :D

personal item COMMA like a cat dropping

Love you GGG

I'm hoping that the sense of personality to each of the classes expands a bit.
One of my favorite details about the early game is how each different class has their own comments towards different bosses/zones.
That really gives a sense of individual personality to each of them.
Always loved how vicious the witch is in her retorts, and how apathetical the shadow is about basically everything.

This ^ the best part is piety commenting on the duelists arse:
Piety's last words: "This is what I get for trying to be a bloody hero. An honest death... the only redemption I was ever likely to get. You know, it's a question that's always haunted me... whose face will be the last I see. I like the answer. Go, my pretty champion. I want that fine arse of yours to be the last thing I see."
Last edited by Hapseleg on Apr 23, 2021, 5:46:19 PM
Since you mention difficulties with availability of voice actors - what happened to the original Nessa?
Last edited by Jinx11 on Apr 23, 2021, 5:46:54 PM
I'd like to see my favorite character Faustus "the Fence" again.
Last edited by Vollhupe on Apr 23, 2021, 7:27:07 PM
a Maze using a dungeon or underground tileset in the spirit of the temple of decay, the prison and delve, but crazy random or a complicated layout and totally different every new instance.
Somewhere to get completely lost in...underground...alone...but with monsters.

Like the underground dungeon in DanMachi
One of the things I would probably like to see from POE 1 is some of the characters returning with some development.

Like take 1 character from each act 1-5 and make them come back in some form or way. Just don't kill them off anticlimactically of course. But being able to see Tarkleigh settle down with Roth or no longer being a Shepard to those on the strand can be interesting as an example.

A good example of a dungeon crawler like POE but is heavily narrative driven is Sacred 2 and the main charm it had was even when completing the main questline there was still so much of the world left to explore and there were hundreds of side quests. Now I am not saying POE needs to be like that but say you finish the main game and maps don't appeal to you, you can say do exploration mode where all the acts are unlocked, scale to your level, and you get a bunch of quests to do from npcs. From old league mechanics to clearing a zone with new modifiers, and I mean much more intricate modifiers like a zone for example having a sandstorm in it reducing your hit chance and reducing the distance you can see, or a group of vengeful spirits are possessing rare mobs in this area turning them into mini bosses.

Just out of the box stuff like that, that doesn't necessarily have to be a league mechanic. But like if I go into a map or redo a story zone I get a new feel and experience every time instead of a cntrl+C cntrl+V. Anything you can do to make the game more dynamic and over the top within reason is welcome.

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