Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Yo quiero mi cofre gratis como compensación :DD
All good, while the outrage is somewhat understandable, people shouldnt forget: This game is still FREE2PLAY.

Playing since the very first year i think and never been disapointed.

Love your honesty Chris (and Team) keep up the good work.
Just do the right thing and restart the league. Don't claim you want everything to be on an even playing field if you don't restart it. The league has been out for 12 hours and many people feel wronged. Just do what is right.
You should really consider a true rollback, personally i havent even come farther than lionseye due to constant disconnects, queues and rollbacks.

I am glad you communicate that open.
Thanks and we will see next league what has been learned and what not. :-)
The two things I took away from this post is that:
1. GGG giving streamers priority queue is the same time that the queue broke. definitely a coincidence.
2. GGG asks people to buy supporter packs so they can literally set your money on fire.
when you fixed it restart the league plz
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GGG TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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