Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Thank you GGG
I will join my fellow comrades in action and DEMAND a reset for this league too.

Also cause of your poor excuses and handle of this game, i decided to stop getting any future mtx as well NOT using any mtx that i have bought.

REDEEM YOURSELF GGG by reseting the league ! Only then, I will consider if you are worthy to be further supported.
Congratulations whoever nicked the character name SubtleFuckery!

Seriously? HumanError and StreamerPriority also taken...
Recently quit Path of Exploding BULL****
Remove the Wildwood!
Remove Gambling!
Ruthless LOGIN
Last edited by hogmark on Apr 17, 2021, 9:59:28 AM
I've been reading through this post and speaking for myself I want to see a RESET!

I'm a very, very, very casual player these days, I came to POE because of the great Blizzard Diablo Mobile drama and never looked back. Over those years I still suck badly at playing POE, but I love this game.

For me this is the first league start where I got in at the beginning of the league since we are all mostly working remote. I even arranged to take some vacation time so I could get off work work 4 hours early just so I could start playing at launch. For the first time since I started playing at the end of Delve league I was really actually making progress and to have it all blow up and go down the drain because of the explained issues sucks.

However this was not my fault or the fault of the community and since the vast majority of the community seem to want agree that a reset/restart is needed I add my 2 cents and request that we reset/restart this league so we all start on equal ground.

This is why I stopped playing PoE months ago. You can't pay me enough to go through this hassle... Hey at least you got a twitter queen right??! lmfao
This is how Karma works. GGG was too greedy nerfing Harvest. Angry players cursed them, completely destroying GGG's launch day. Their beloved streamers who didn't get the money will "remember" this launch for a looooong time. Destroying GGG's reputation even more in the future.
007noctis wrote:
LabMonster wrote:
For what its worth

I thought I should take the time to express my gratitude for a company being upfront and honest with making a mistake. This in my point of view is huge and deserving of their customers. My only issue with the events that took place at launch where that the streamers were given priority to, “skip the line” so to speak. Honestly that was a major faux pas, however, addressing it and letting the customers know and taking responsibility for it is huge. The servers having problems and people making mistakes happen, it is understandable. The way that you take responsibility and apologize for it makes all the difference in the world.
Yes, I am aware that players that play in the economy have a different point of view, I play almost exclusively SSF, the iron born aspect I find appealing to my play style and I like to see the small details that goes into the environment and characters throughout the game. Although I did notice more than a few players that were complaining using mule accounts . . . Anyways, I also occasionally watch various streamers and yesterday I certainly was channel flipping the poe streams. The streamers that had there loved ones and friends play with them is fine it was just being given priority to skip ahead of everyone in the first place was, at the time, mildly infuriating. That being said, again, being upfront and in a timely fashion is very important and I will be happily continuing my support and passing the word along.
NOTE: I did hear and read a few comments about armor packs being a bit over designed and being somewhat of a designer myself, I was thinking that it would be cool if we could get an armor pack that would light up as we progressed through the game and gained experience. Probably could have an alpha mask being driven by your gradual progress or something. That way your character earns the glowing armor. Just a thought.

The general consensus has always been that you don't wear any MTX until you reach mapping. Your hobo going through leveling doesn't deserve to look like anything but what he truly is; a homeless boii going around wraeclast like a wretch.

Also, mildly infuriating doesn't quite do it. As a fellow SSFer, I'm certain you can appreciate how there is no race this league anymore. They gave a competitive advantage to streamers and intentional dupers. The only way to redeem this league is with a restart.

While I do agree with this, I do think it is very important to acknowledge that a company took responsibility for it when most now a days do the opposite. Also the armor thing was more inline with dlc not a core game thing.
Last edited by LabMonster on Apr 17, 2021, 10:53:32 AM
SuperDumbo wrote:
This is how Karma works. GGG was too greedy nerfing Harvest. Angry players cursed them, completely destroying GGG's launch day. Their beloved streamers who didn't get the money will "remember" this launch for a looooong time. Destroying GGG's reputation even more in the future.

The good news is that there are similar games coming out soon that are guaranteed to be managed better than POE soon... not that i am patient but this is what gives me hope
I got a fever and the only prescription, is more cowbell!
SuperDumbo wrote:
This is how Karma works. GGG was too greedy nerfing Harvest. Angry players cursed them, completely destroying GGG's launch day. Their beloved streamers who didn't get the money will "remember" this launch for a looooong time. Destroying GGG's reputation even more in the future.

I ran into harvest in standard in between crashes already and all I’ve got to say about it now is: ha ha!!!

There are like 2 mods per crop and it’s mostly crap. There are a bunch of crops so it’s just crap times 3 or times 4.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile on Apr 17, 2021, 10:07:47 AM
dont buy u know what ı mean

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