Extremely Slow Queue Processing

It don't work. Pls fix.
mewakey wrote:
It was unplayable at launch so I went to sleep. 8 hours later and it's still unplayable.

Same here. Thought it might be resolved after I wake up, but no.

Not sure how many times I freed Navali now.
finally finished the queue and went to pee..... Came back with a timeout window and never got on again ......dude! come on!
Realms and site went down but came back quickly. Could be a good sign.
Got my first chaos orb of the league. Decided I'd better zone out to save the state. Of course I DC'd. No orb. <sigh>
Interesting thing about this queue is you get from 7k to 6, 5,4 and so on up untill number hits crazy stuff such as 5475475437 and rises.
22.00 I sit so hyped that i can barely sit...1h later I came closer to get in game...I log, I dc...Ehhh PATH OF QUEUE league, is worst experience so far. Hope u manage to fix it ASAP. Worst thing is that that experience is not for all, some ppl manage to hit ACT VI while I was struggling with either I go back to town for quest reward or not. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Apr 17, 2021, 1:46:01 AM
maybe put quotation marks around the "Live" on the login screen...
What gives buddeh?!
Last edited by Lethal_Spoon on Apr 17, 2021, 1:54:37 AM
Hadn't played D3 in a couple years... decided to stop wasting my time with this. Figure I'll give it at least a couple days or perhaps a week before I come back and try again. I'm just going to think of it as not having launched for another week, heh. It is a free game, i.e. PoE, if you play it that way, so really, who cares? Let them do whatever. If you just like to play games, boot it up again once the dust has settled. If you've dumped a ton of cash into the game MTX and you're frustrated; speak with your wallet and spend your money elsewhere. *shrug*
You properly just postpone the league until really ready. What a waste of time, can't progress and fighting the same boss again and again. :)

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