Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Hey can I get a refund for all the MTX I bought this league? If you guys are going to make this game unplayable for the average player I might as well just not play it. Doing this instead of fixing your stability issues is actually hilarious. Makes me think you don't actually want people playing for more than a couple weeks every league.

The game was playable before harvest and will be playable after this nerf, good luck in diablo 3 we wont miss you here.
Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear is a powerful, risky and exciting way to improve it

No it's not! Its awful and you dont have a way to reverse with bad mods. You loose many gear this way. buying still is the best option.

This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

WTF? seriously? I know about nostalgic feelings but really give a damn of what he wants!

First harvest its not a big advantage, commonly you have to do 300 harvest to obtain 1 useful mod. Multiple physical t1 could take 3000 tries. This league i played every day and it wasnt enough! still not finishing my items. Now nerfing and playing on free time only will be a hell.

I think harvest and this league is really good for SFF, but do not harm others players for a few obsesive ones with infinite free time.
I dont usually comment, but this manifesto is depresing to read. i hope one day ggg employees will play their own game all the way to end game then make the decision on what to change and how to change it.
You guys are so disconnected from the average players it's crazy. I have played since 2014, I can can't my exalt slams on one hand.
You just TOOK AWAY our exalt-slam feel, it's the aug to hope we hit what we want, or the remove/add. It's not closing our eyes and exalt-slamming tier 6 Strenght, we need to save that to buy gear from the crashing trade-site instead.
Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist
Nice. Harvest in its current state was literally the worst mistake ever.
I truly believe you're making a massive mistake, I side with the rest of the casual non power players. While I might play more than most do I haven't been able to make even close to one mirror tier item. I cannot dedicate the time to playing your game to even reach the goals and levels of play that I want to as it is. These changes affect us the normies devastatingly not the 0.1% players that you're clearly looking at when you make changes like these. harvest gives me something to look forward to, a goal that I am still in this current league looking to accomplish and i've been grinding at it the whole time and haven't come close to getting the gear that I want/need for builds other than the ones I can normally play in the confines of the normal rng hell we live in. I Dont want this, WE dont want this, who are you making the game for the employees at GGG or the millions of players, are you designing it for the 0.1% of players who are going to break the game anyway. I just can't Chris this is all way too much as it is.
And we are facing the nerf again.

Before Harvest crafting system was a waste of currency as it will be in 3.14.

there's nothing more to say.
Harvest is pretty much the reason I played for this long this league. It gave me a way to progress my character myself without relying too much on trade. Now I will be back to just buying items because other gamblin... i mean crafting methods suck. Next league I'll probably play (if i play at all) for ~2 weeks for some casual fun and call it quits.
" This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." "

This is so out of touch it's not even funny.

Thanks to harvest, I've played more this league than any league since beta.

GGG, your addiction to gambling and balancing around the top 0.01% of players who play the game like a full-time job(Among whom I count, this league) is bad, unfun, and unhealthy. Both for the game and the players.

If you're actually going through with this, I'm sorry to say that I won't be playing any more POE, just like I didn't play heist league because it didn't have harvest.
Sad... skip next league

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