Community Designed Divination Card - Poll #3

Community Designed Divination Card - Theme

Ever-changing state of the Atlas
Legacy of the Watchers of Decay
Properties and mysteries of the Watchstones
Dangers of exploring the unknown
Temptation of the Atlas and its consequences
Poll closed
Um, the generic we voted for "Any Unique watchstone" meaning NOT a specific unique watchstone means this theme will likely NOT affect the results of the cards at all.

Div card : Themed name

Turn in #

Result "Unique watchstone"

Themed flavor text.

The only part not set is that theme part which is what this poll is about.

The structure of the poll being magic vs unique, I can honestly understand why they might have weighted this toward a unique watchstone on purpose. Once you get strong enough to run the 10 way fights etc, watchstones actually drop pretty often, rolling specific mods on a specific one is harder, but there isn't a lack of watchstones up for sale.

Would love to see a new enchant added to harvest for maps that will recharge a unique watchstone or some way to do so though, just adding a method of doing that would probably make this a lot more useful
And here we are voting for a unique watchstone when 60+% of the community wanted a magic one... GGG needs to learn how to make polls.
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
I have no idea what this poll means... I wanted to pick the option to get +1 awakening level watchstone but no clue which option leads to this???
1. The polls were designed poorly and has resulted in a useless item.
2. No clarification on how the Theme affects the item.

Wasn't really addressing those since I wasn't even around for any other poll to know. I can see that the previous poll spoiled the choices by splitting the vote, worth complaining about I guess but I don't really give a fuck personally. Also, consider that not exactly understanding how theme influences mechanics might be the point.

If this was funded by GGG I wouldn't care as much.

GGG is being flippant with a community member's attempt to make a meaningful contribution to the game.

GGG needs to decide whether it wants to be the Indie Dev the community supports or the corporate business we buy MTX from.
Last edited by Ruffleberg on Mar 10, 2021, 2:14:33 AM
What does "Legacy of the watchers of decay" mean? I don't know about any watchers... Although 'Legacy' and 'Decay' make me think of the defeated Elder. Is this category supposed to relate to why the Elder didn't have any citadel/watchtowers across the Atlas when he still had power?
I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

How can I vote if i don't understand your question ?
since its a unique WS now and this question sounds like its toddler gibberish - just voted whatever
I wish there was an explanation added for all these vote-options. I have honestly no idea what this even means half the time

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