What's going on with the Servers?

Trade when?
Has GGG even acknowledged the slow texture loading that brings this game to a halt? I have no interest in playing a slideshow just because GGG wanted to beta test some new PoE2 tech during a league start.

We love you anyway!
Thank you for quick action

Would have been easy to ignore it

GGG 10/10
this is my favourite launch too POE is the best!
Calm down boys and girls! It is an online game; problems are bound to happen. Give it some time and it will be fixed. In the meantime, grab your boots and go for a nice winter walk!
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Lathari wrote:
Have you tried turning servers off and on again?

IQ 300 right here! :D Love it!
Yea Poe becoming a cyberbug, what hapenns with games? why in every game are some bugs or other weird things? glithes and other? 3D graphics get superb effects but we go in some regress in 3d tech, everything going more realisting but in end looks like supercar with sometimes dissapearing wheels or roof ^^, so sad.
Nvidia Now is on 3.12.5 and pathes every launch. Pls fix becouse every crash requires to download whole patch on the server-side.
my game continues to crash.

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