Clarifying the Ascendancy Changes

Havo wrote:
For not trying to nerf things you did a great job nerfing everything. I hate to see what happens when you try to do it.

Mind showing us in detail what the powerful new things are? I see something like this

20% more Damage with Bleeding

Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
30% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
25% more Damage with Bleeding

So how is 20% more of something more powerful than 25% more of the same thing plus 2 other things. I'm confused.

Very good example of the lack of context and exaggeration in your comment, and it should be like this for the majority of comments about the changes!

Blood in the Eyes - Full node

Attacks have 50% chance to cause Bleeding (added)
Attacks Maim on Hit Against Bleeding Enemies (kept)
25% chance to Blind with Hits against Bleeding Enemies (added)
Enemies Maimed by You take 10% Increased Physical Damage (kept)
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding (removed)
10% chance to Blind with Hits against Bleeding Enemies (removed)

Gratuitous Violence - Full node

Bleeding Enemies You Kill Explode, dealing 10% of Their Maximum Life as Physical Damage (kept)
20% more Damage with Bleeding (added)
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding (removed)
30% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies (removed)
25% more Damage with Bleeding (removed)

What you really lost in this example?

- Chance to Bleed - 0% loss (now its 50% chance on a single node where before it was 25% for each node). It's an actual buff, because this node is accessible first (early game) and now you have 50% chance to cause bleed with only 2 points investment, if you don't want to spec further, or your build doesn't need to, you received a 25% buff.

- Chance to Blind - 15% increment, from 10% to 25% chance to Blind. This is equivalent to receive a buff from a lvl 1 blind gem to a lvl 14 blind gem.

- More Damage with Bleeding - 5% loss, from 25% to 20%. (multiplier)

- Increased Damage - 30% loss (additive damage)

You didn't lose 3 things from the whole Ascendancy as per your description which also mislead other people to believe in that.

They said they tried to cancel out nerfs with buffs, with this little nerf to the Ascendancy bleeding dmg you shouldn't see a big of a difference at the end game, even more if other things were buffed across the board.
TheTrueNoob wrote:
I dont really care for changes, can adapt.
Just remember to not overtune stuff because few elites are too strong.
Orherwise you scare off all casuals with their not that strong builds.
No casuals = no mtx and no money. Unless you all focused on Whales anyway.

Thank you for speaking the words of wisdom.
Cant see any power added to necro... Am i miissing something or there is only a big nerf to dmg making this class usless compering to other classes that can go with minions?

But mby there will be some buff in gems/skill tree.
Otherwise go and delete necro hahaha. noone will use it anyway... OK mby apart of skeleton/RS/PS buils.

Anyway event if i love summoners and this changes totally destroyed my stater builds i cant wait for new league. Probobly will play something else i guess
AT each patch its nerve-racking cry.
And AT each League there are some crazy tricks!
Calm you people ! Have fun!
Last edited by ChampyXtaz on Jan 12, 2021, 1:21:05 PM
Well, my Guardian summoners just got a little weaker, thanks to the constant give/take on Necro power level. Just nerf Necro if it's overperforming, nerf Auras if there's too many Guardian Aura-Bots...please leave Guardian itself alone, the thing can barely run a decent minion build as it is, and I thought the whole point of POE was getting to do things our way.

Witch has shitty animations, an annoying voice, and I just don't want to play one. I play minion builds in ARPGs though, so I've been making Guardian summoners for leagues now, and each league I have to find ways around all the nerfing done to try and keep Necro in check- it sucks. I want more reasons to play POE, not more reasons to just play 3 days after launch and then walk away because it gets stale, and none of these changes are helping.

Gem buffs better be stellar.
U guys too used to oneshotting bosses, what about having to actually play the game instead of tapping a key and moving on?
I fucking suck at the game, never got to lvl 100 since I started investing time into it (max lvl 93 iirc, lacerate glad), I dont oneshot bosses, never have, my biggest dps was around 5mil, I managed to kill sirus, elder and shaper, havent killed uber atziri/elder yet.
Where do I want to go with this? I have fun playing the game, I cant clear a map in 3min and I dont care. You might need 15 more seconds to finish the maps (if u even need it), when they buffed all bosses life and resistance to almost double you guys kept oneshotting them, when they made them immune to chained cc u kept oneshotting them.
WTF are you guys whinning about, I dont understand it.
Man, GGG sure does see a lot of whiney little babies posting here. "OH NOES MY BUILDZ R NURFED!"

I basically like all the changes, and I'm glad to see them, I'll enjoy playing with the new options, and frankly IDGAF if you think poison assassin or whatever pet build you play was nerfed, deal with it, great game, great developer.

Thank you GGG
Now assasin will move like a lvl 70 jugg, ty ggg for nerfing all, fun fact is that i don;t know where "more power" you see, you add 10% and remove other 25% from others....
Also i see 70% of ascendancy butchered but yeah keep sayng you add power, a 5%-10% buff skill gem wont make it for the nerf.
Last edited by ReanimaTion21 on Jan 12, 2021, 1:28:56 PM
shydo wrote:
Havo wrote:
For not trying to nerf things you did a great job nerfing everything. I hate to see what happens when you try to do it.

Mind showing us in detail what the powerful new things are? I see something like this

20% more Damage with Bleeding

Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
30% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
25% more Damage with Bleeding

So how is 20% more of something more powerful than 25% more of the same thing plus 2 other things. I'm confused.

Very good example of the lack of context and exaggeration in your comment, and it should be like this for the majority of comments about the changes!

Blood in the Eyes - Full node

Attacks have 50% chance to cause Bleeding (added)
Attacks Maim on Hit Against Bleeding Enemies (kept)
25% chance to Blind with Hits against Bleeding Enemies (added)
Enemies Maimed by You take 10% Increased Physical Damage (kept)
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding (removed)
10% chance to Blind with Hits against Bleeding Enemies (removed)

Gratuitous Violence - Full node

Bleeding Enemies You Kill Explode, dealing 10% of Their Maximum Life as Physical Damage (kept)
20% more Damage with Bleeding (added)
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding (removed)
30% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies (removed)
25% more Damage with Bleeding (removed)

What you really lost in this example?

- Chance to Bleed - 0% loss (now its 50% chance on a single node where before it was 25% for each node). It's an actual buff, because this node is accessible first (early game) and now you have 50% chance to cause bleed with only 2 points investment, if you don't want to spec further, or your build doesn't need to, you received a 25% buff.

- Chance to Blind - 15% increment, from 10% to 25% chance to Blind. This is equivalent to receive a buff from a lvl 1 blind gem to a lvl 14 blind gem.

- More Damage with Bleeding - 5% loss, from 25% to 20%. (multiplier)

- Increased Damage - 30% loss (additive damage)

You didn't lose 3 things from the whole Ascendancy as per your description which also mislead other people to believe in that.

They said they tried to cancel out nerfs with buffs, with this little nerf to the Ascendancy bleeding dmg you shouldn't see a big of a difference at the end game, even more if other things were buffed across the board.

You are accurate in your analysis, but the wording GGG used was missleading. Here we clearly see there was a rebalance (50% chance to bleed in one passive instead of two), a buff (increased blind chance) but ALSO a NERF (5% multiplicative and 30% additive). For builds that don't hit twice (bleed bows) that's only 5% multiplicative loss, but for builds that hit more than one time (crimson dance, melee) it's another 30% additive loss. What was the target of the nerf? If it was to nerf bleed bows, it was a fail. If it was to nerf melee bleed, was it necessary?

I'm all ok to changes, buffs and nerfs are part of any game, but at least don't advertise "rebalances and buffs" when you really mean "rebalances, buffs AND nerfs".

But before all pick pitchforks and torches let's all wait for gems information and patch notes.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
Valiren wrote:
I don't understand why the damage per enemy killed recently was removed from the game. (It was on Hierophant.) It was a unique, build-defining passive that I was able to make two builds around. 140 stacks on Coward's Trial! +840% increased damage! I don't really care where it is, (it could be put on a unique weapon or something) but it would be nice to have it exist somewhere still so that players could still build around it.

I completely agree with you that there was no necessity at all to remove this well-defined, specialized, unique stat boosting mechanic.

It is pretty much the same as 'increased critical chance per str and int' on the new inquisitor and 'increased attack speed, movement speed etc. per frenzy charge' on the updated raider. No reason to remove it, but to balance.

Despite that being the case, it is pretty much impossible to build an actual build around this stat, because the 'recent' keyword is defined as 'in the last 4 seconds' in the GGG dictonary. So before you reach any boss or monster for which damage boosts really matter, this little buff has already disappeared, unless the boss fight is accompanied by many other monsters that you kill for the upkeep.

The boost to 'MORE damage per summoned totem' makes up more than enough for that little stat boosting temporary buff being taken away. It does seem like GGG wants to force totem users into using the multiple totem support gem again, though, as this benifits extra from this 'MORE damage per totem' stat as well as the removal of summoning 2 totems at once from the ascendency.
Last edited by ikkuhnoob on Jan 12, 2021, 1:32:09 PM

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