[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame

45MAREK wrote:
Ahewaz wrote:
Jesperhk wrote:
Is this build dead?

I am still playing it.

PoB - https://pastebin.com/ZN54UDHH

Still in the early stages for me but it is working well so far. I will have to make some changes and get spell suppression as I noticed that even with 75 resists, the elemental damage is heavy.

I recorded an early video in the league so take it with a grain of salt

I like totem playstyle, even is not the meta. My plan is to follow Your passive tree.
BTW, You still have Light of Divinity (for caster) in your passive tree.

Thanks for pointing that out, I forgot to respec it when I changed over to Elemental Hit. 1200 DPS upgrade!

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
3.16.0c Patch Notes / Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where Ballista Totems summoned through Ballista Totem Support were taking more damage than intended.
I cleaned up my Tree. It seems to be working really well

PoB - https://pastebin.com/bDR7pN8k

Just FYI - I have Xoph's Blood so I did not take AoF. I might change it later if I get a really nice amulet.

EDIT: My profile is open if you want to look.

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Last edited by Ahewaz on Oct 29, 2021, 8:17:01 PM
Trying to figure out how to die less often, anyone cares to pitch in some ideas?
Series of fireballs/other dumb projectiles that come at me at once can still easily kill me just like that. Or just running out of regen options, flask is out, life is low, regen is too low.

PoB - https://pastebin.com/VycDxdpx

I went with Evasion route, opting for Hyrri's Ire instead of Kaom's - lots of evasion, spell supress chance.

I'm thinking of either filling some empty sockets in chestplate with another CWDT setup with steel skin, or replace current Immortal Call setup - is it even wise to have two, with different levels of CWDT?

Or maybe evasion route is not worth it, and I should convert it all to Armor? I'm starting to think, that if I skipped all spell supress and evasion nodes, I would have 10 more passives to go for more damage/life instead, which might be better overall.

Overall the build is alright, on the damage front I still have loads to do:
* flasks, cinderswallow, maybe wise oak,
* corrupted helm,
* corrupted jewels + watcher's eye
* Combust skill for bosses
* Skill gems 20/20 wherever that is needed, or alt quality, or awakened
* Better gear stuff overall :D
Ginaw wrote:
Trying to figure out how to die less often, anyone cares to pitch in some ideas?
Series of fireballs/other dumb projectiles that come at me at once can still easily kill me just like that. Or just running out of regen options, flask is out, life is low, regen is too low.

PoB - https://pastebin.com/VycDxdpx

I went with Evasion route, opting for Hyrri's Ire instead of Kaom's - lots of evasion, spell supress chance.

I'm thinking of either filling some empty sockets in chestplate with another CWDT setup with steel skin, or replace current Immortal Call setup - is it even wise to have two, with different levels of CWDT?

Or maybe evasion route is not worth it, and I should convert it all to Armor? I'm starting to think, that if I skipped all spell supress and evasion nodes, I would have 10 more passives to go for more damage/life instead, which might be better overall.

Overall the build is alright, on the damage front I still have loads to do:
* flasks, cinderswallow, maybe wise oak,
* corrupted helm,
* corrupted jewels + watcher's eye
* Combust skill for bosses
* Skill gems 20/20 wherever that is needed, or alt quality, or awakened
* Better gear stuff overall :D

If memory serves Steel Skin & Immortal Call have the same cooldown so if one proc's the timer resets on both of them,

I went the Armor road. Always have for the last 2 years of playing this build. I am not having any issues. My profile is open if you want to look.
I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Ginaw wrote:

I went with Evasion route, opting for Hyrri's Ire instead of Kaom's - lots of evasion, spell supress chance.

You are better off with a rare evasion chest. It has everything, what hyrri's Ire has , alot more life/evasion and other good stats.
Got annoyed with this character, made a summoner, but it turned out a bit meh.

So I'm back to ele hit!

Swapped build to be more armor focused, utilizing Brass Dome I bought for another character.
Added CWDT+Molten shell setup to utilize that massive amount of armor, with Vaal option for when things are looking tough.
Added enduring cry for helping with low regen. I might still add another/different life flask to the mix - I still tend to hurt myself with Blood Rage and then die to some floor-is-lava things.

My next step is to get more chaos resistance for sure. Sitting on low low -40? This will be tough, especially with plans of changing amulet+ring to unique ones (Xoph and The Taming).
Oh, one more question:

Any gem swaps, item swaps, you could recommend for easier bossing?
With my current gear, I really don't know what to to about tanky bosses. They just don't die :/
Anyone tested this vs the freezing pulse totem build?

I put my old version of this in pob and the FP build and the FP build had like triple its damage i think

Im thinking about starting a FP totem build soon to replace this hoping it would be better
Ginaw wrote:
Oh, one more question:

Any gem swaps, item swaps, you could recommend for easier bossing?
With my current gear, I really don't know what to to about tanky bosses. They just don't die :/

Strange that you have a Brass Dome but have not converted your evasion to Armor. That might help.

You can also buy a Xoph's Blood & respec those 4 points on AoF to get more HP which would help with survival. I have not tested the DPS variance between your amulet & Xoph's but for 23c, it would be cheap to try.

I do not use Barrage, I prefer Elemental Hit. I have had no issues (killed Sirus 8 so far).

My profile is open if you want to look.

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.

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