[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter

Sanctacius1 wrote:

can you please tell me how can I improve my build right now in any way? I have no currency atm and it's rather usual for me to die on t13-t15 maps, i've disabled maven to make it easier.

By improving I mean maybe changing tree a bit, getting rid of some gems or items in exchange for another. I can't see a way to get exalt or more right now to see huge improvement so maybe there is something obvious that I did wrong and can't see.

You're not using Vaal Reave.

2) Your elemental resistances have to be at least 72% at all times and Chaos resistance has to be unbuffed at least 10%.

Right now a poison which does 1,000 damage to me does 8,000 damage to you.

4) You must have Freeze, Shock & Ignite immunities either from Purity of Elements or from Flasks. It is also very much recommended to get a curse flask as curses like Vulnerability can make you get one shot.

You probably die from scenarios where you get cursed and then rest of the funny business happens.
If you use Pride instead of Purity, then you probably die from ignite and shock a lot.

You should fill gem slots properly.

With your gear you're not really supposed to be further than T13.

Necsync_Prime wrote:
I have more to go but your build is doing really good. This is the most fun / furthest I've gotten in POE. Granted it's only just getting into maps, doing tier 5-6 easily. Feel like I could do even higher with no issues!

Everything seems fine so far, you just have to farm and buy better items over time and you'll be dropping T16 maps in no time.

You're right, all items I've linked are bugged now. Thanks for bringing attention to it.
I'll fix them tomorrow.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick on Nov 14, 2021, 6:54:57 PM
I was looking through your build to see what I needed to work towards and noticed the issue is the last shield is once slot over, so it pushed the rest of the images down one, accounting for that everything lines up!
So I'm currently running into mana reservation issues with all of the auras we're running since I can't get an Aul's with no pride mana reservation yet. Any advice on what I should probably do or cut out for now?
^^ No expert but when i was using a 30% mana reservation shield i had no mana problems running 5 auras. I think vulnerability curse is chewing your mana up.
Get it as "on hit" on a ring or glove.
I cannot start with reave and BF ? is it to weake ? or why im leveling with Groundslam ? sry i hate slow clear .^^
Last edited by Thesorrow10 on Nov 15, 2021, 6:44:30 PM
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
EDMOSES wrote:
I am obviously wrong but what i am doing is simply doubling the stated DPS on poe trade. So if dps is stated at say 210 because it does double damage i just double that to get 420 dps.
Do you see why i am questioning this?
Sorry if i am way off the mark.

Don't worry, it's fine LOL.
Paradoxica does not double only the weapons damage but everything you have.
So if you test weapons in PoB it'll be more likely around 600 pdps.

Nice guide. Really enjoying reavin' through maps :)

Just bought the timeless jewel and was checking the crit chance after switching to Garukhan pantheon. It seems to me that the described interaction is not working: as soon as I switch to Garukan, I loose the blind from the jewel AND also dropping from 39,xx % crit to 31,xx %.

Are you guys sure the interaction is working?! :/

You need to have the pantheon fully unlocked.


Yeah I'm 100% sure Garukhan pantheon doesn't work with 2nd sight. U need unaffected with blind mod and not "cannot be blinded". I've also been wondering how others have mitigated the blind effect from the jewel.

100% sure! A person of confidence :P



As you can see, on the first image I have a white star above my head while on second I don't.

The tooltip dps goes down though when you enable the "cannot be blinded" pantheon. Is that a bug in the tooltip then?
Ridman wrote:
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
EDMOSES wrote:
I am obviously wrong but what i am doing is simply doubling the stated DPS on poe trade. So if dps is stated at say 210 because it does double damage i just double that to get 420 dps.
Do you see why i am questioning this?
Sorry if i am way off the mark.

Don't worry, it's fine LOL.
Paradoxica does not double only the weapons damage but everything you have.
So if you test weapons in PoB it'll be more likely around 600 pdps.

Nice guide. Really enjoying reavin' through maps :)

Just bought the timeless jewel and was checking the crit chance after switching to Garukhan pantheon. It seems to me that the described interaction is not working: as soon as I switch to Garukan, I loose the blind from the jewel AND also dropping from 39,xx % crit to 31,xx %.

Are you guys sure the interaction is working?! :/

You need to have the pantheon fully unlocked.


Yeah I'm 100% sure Garukhan pantheon doesn't work with 2nd sight. U need unaffected with blind mod and not "cannot be blinded". I've also been wondering how others have mitigated the blind effect from the jewel.

100% sure! A person of confidence :P



As you can see, on the first image I have a white star above my head while on second I don't.

The tooltip dps goes down though when you enable the "cannot be blinded" pantheon. Is that a bug in the tooltip then?

No. It is behaving as intended as you are no longer blinded so second sight crit no longer applies, hence dps drops.
I saw you swapped from Pulverise to Rage. At what point is it better? Cause I am trying to swap in my PoB, but it lowers my damage.
Sharmi wrote:
I saw you swapped from Pulverise to Rage. At what point is it better? Cause I am trying to swap in my PoB, but it lowers my damage.

Rage beats pulverise if u manage to stack it up to minimum 20, its better mainly for mobbing although u do lose pulverise's aoe, and when your dps is low and bosses dont die that quick for rage to fully take effect
Last edited by Ruuuuuu on Nov 16, 2021, 8:40:37 AM
Hey thx 4 the build!
I have a lot of fun with it.

Could you check my char and tell me what I should focus on next?

3 watchstone conqueror are a pain in the ass...

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