[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter

6542037 wrote:
I only have the 50% capped on both spell and attack from versatile combatant which is good enough for me.

Ok, you're right. I had forgotten about that.
With that keystone it can't be highter values on champion ascendency?

Can u look on my char? Maybe any other tips from u for upgrades?
My prior is cluster jewel (2 passives only), because I need mana leech ASAP. I need change gloves IMO, because clear speed is problem sometimes - probably need that explodes.

You can go above the block cap on jewels and certain uniques but i find it too much of a hassle. Feel free to give it a try :)

Bleed explosion gloves would fix clear speed issues. Also, you really don't need that many life flasks.
Regarding champion build here and i want to know if taking Versatile Combatant is good considering we are using Abyssus?
Also a question on shield, is it better to go Lioneyes or stay with what i have?
Game is getting way too complicated.
EDMOSES wrote:
Regarding champion build here and i want to know if taking Versatile Combatant is good considering we are using Abyssus?
Also a question on shield, is it better to go Lioneyes or stay with what i have?
Game is getting way too complicated.

I can't speak for the others but I felt i was getting destroyed in t16+ scourge mobs and versatile combatant fixed that. Armour stacking is so much easier this league and I have 20k+ armour with flasks up (goes up even more when molten shell procs) which helps against the downsides of using abyssus.

Gear is far from min-maxed and uniques in general handicap most build. I would rather not use lioneyes shield as well but I need the raw hp for now. I'll definitely switch out the shield if I can replace the abyssus in future...there's really an endless amount of upgrade and u just have to experiment with what work's best for you :)
^^ Fair comment and thanks for that.


My current character before buying Paradoxica and more expensive items.

This is a 2 days /played character - basically what some people had on the second day of the league.

Regarding comments previously in this thread - do not expect to stomp AW8 Sirus or Conqs or any bosses without investment.

The PoB provided has done all except Uber content deathless but it's not for facetanking.

Facetanking comes at 30+ EX.
This is 5 EX minus Ryslatha.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick on Nov 5, 2021, 12:30:03 PM
Tbh that's so nice to get tha reave feeling again, your guide made me come back on poe since it was the best build i played.

Any insight on what i should trade first to get some powerspike before going to red map ? Got an Ex budget actually.
Thanks =)
I reworked the champion build around my existing gear in Standard and can do T16s. Got my Atlas 10 114/118 A8
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone

Should I go slayer or Champion?
yoshis wrote:

Should I go slayer or Champion?

I think Champion is better if you go with full impale damage.

Finally, reach 20M Full DPS with Sirus today :)

To go beyond this, I need that Aul's with pride no mana reserved =w=" but damn, so expensive lol.
Last edited by LevII145 on Nov 6, 2021, 1:40:42 AM
yoshis wrote:

Should I go slayer or Champion?

I do not suggest Champion, especially with the nodes provided in previous posts. You can keep up full stack of Fortify on most bosses and in maps 100% of the time - saving you half an ascendancy for 3 passive points.

Adrenaline also isn't guaranteed to proc and you get the same effect by simply taking damage nodes.

With all damage nodes Champion has -10% damage than Slayer and it doesn't have Overleech nor reflect immunity while having -50% decreased AoE.

What is the case is that people swap from Slayer to Champion, farm 3-5 exalts and then see that the character is stronger.

Regarding the build itself

This shield is very good, gives max charges at many bosses if you stay melee range.

This flask never runs out if you stay melee range at bosses, it's 20% more damage

And Close Combat support is swapped to Melee Physical Damage now.

Also I permanently keep up Blood Stance now because even with Blood Stance the AoE is the whole screen.

EDIT: Made some more changes and I can already kill AW8 Conquerors within 5 seconds.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick on Nov 6, 2021, 7:45:16 AM

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