Worst PVP Balance i ever seen Since

Have to agree with the kaom's comment. Met a mara archer today who had one and it was the first time that we just stood there and chatted because there was no way he could kill me and there was no way I could kill him. Really funny.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker on Apr 2, 2013, 6:27:12 PM
I'm assuming Koca's supposed video is never coming.

I made one to commemorate the occasion.

IGN: Aux
Aux wrote:
I'm assuming Koca's supposed video is never coming.

I made one to commemorate the occasion.


epic lulz. 10/10.
8/8 Overachiever
Aux wrote:
I'm assuming Koca's supposed video is never coming.

I made one to commemorate the occasion.


What do you expect u dont even need kaoms to kill him he doesnt know how to pvp yet why dont you pvp at your own calibar i mean same gear like stronkberry or me once i found kaoms...
Last edited by Ceykey on Apr 2, 2013, 7:51:17 PM
I have, this is just a simple response to un-backed trash talk.
IGN: Aux
Last edited by Aux on Apr 2, 2013, 8:22:02 PM
Notice how his molten shell didn't pop when he needed it to. Thats what I was talking about when I mentioned the investment needed to make it great.
Standard Forever
Batuhan87 wrote:
Aux wrote:
Batuhan87 wrote:
...but this time i will be capturing a video.Pm me whenb you are back Aux.

pianokingx3 wrote:
So who won?

I'll give him a chance to post his video before I post mine.

Aux won.Was no match for 10k hp Kaom.Gf tho.

He doesnt have 10k Hp. He has less HP than me lol and he destroys me. But don't worry, one day...

BTW just a tip, don't go into a pvp match without the right gear. Against Aux, you'd need literally everything prepared. Items that allow you to not be frozen, stunned, cursed, and life leeched will help a lot.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
Last edited by pianokingx3 on Apr 2, 2013, 11:22:59 PM
+1 PvP balance please
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
iamstryker wrote:
Have to agree with the kaom's comment. Met a mara archer today who had one and it was the first time that we just stood there and chatted because there was no way he could kill me and there was no way I could kill him. Really funny.

Pvped this guy today. I have to say, it was pretty fun! Managed to beat him 5-2 the first game but only because I surprised him. The second round he came prepared and it was undoubtly a tie :P neither one of us could kill the other xD
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
pianokingx3 wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Have to agree with the kaom's comment. Met a mara archer today who had one and it was the first time that we just stood there and chatted because there was no way he could kill me and there was no way I could kill him. Really funny.

Pvped this guy today. I have to say, it was pretty fun! Managed to beat him 5-2 the first game but only because I surprised him. The second round he came prepared and it was undoubtly a tie :P neither one of us could kill the other xD

First match was funny because you couldn't hurt me at all and I thought it would be a breeze, then you switched to chaos damage and I was completely screwed because I didn't bring any health pots at all and I had to scramble to put on chaos resist equipment.

The next match I was more prepared and we decided to call it a draw because of how close it was. Basically was a temporal chains match, whoever was being temp chained during combat was the one usually losing.

That was probably the first time I would rather call it a draw than finish becase it was just taking so long and wasn't really very fun IMO. I like meeting cool players though so I'm glad you challenged me :)

If we ever duel again maybe we shoud make it a no temp chain match. Maybe that way it will finish a little quicker with less posturing.

I think the second match ended 1-1 with a tie or two in there.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker on Apr 5, 2013, 8:55:42 AM

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