New Glimmerwood Microtransactions and Super Stash Sale

gj GGG!
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
i agree, i wanted to buy that but this has made me hesitate, i'm not gonna make it until it's TRULY fixed.

Btw, i'm quick at math too GGG
Oh fuck off.
Nothing interesting(
Too casual...
Reinier11 wrote:
Umbral_Spectre wrote:
any advice on which stash tabs are best to get, please? I have one currency one and about 10 regulars already (and 2 premium)

I'm mainly looking at the special ones, which would be most useful playing the game today, please?

As someone who has most of the tabs, my personal priority list is:

1: 1x Currency Stash Tab (Must)
2: 2x Premium Stash Tab (For Trading)
3: 1x Quad Stash Tab (Dump Tab)
4: 1x Map Stash Tab
5: 1x Fragment Tab
6: 1x Essence/Divination Tab (Same prirty)
7: 1x Delve/Blight (Which do you farm?)
8: 1-2x Unique Stash Tab (For collectors)
9: 2-4x Stash Tabs (Extra space for misc)

Delirium and Metamorph tabs are ones I'm not sure if I would be recommending.

Anyway, I hope this helps

Happy hunting!

//Edit: If you're also part of a guild, donating points to it for a Guild Stash tab is also a pretty good investment.

thanks. I got a map one of now,as general kept telling me it was something I was going to need. already have 3 premium and currency.

I was gonna get more, but then the loot boxes got the better of me, ha ha. I got some alright bits though, no complaints.

Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
GlimmerWood GC when though?
I have never felt further from what I know and love
This seems as good a place as any.

Could we please get a Prophecy tab already? Heist is yet another league where itemized prophecies rain from the sky and it's the last of the leagues that could actually use a specialized tab.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
Last edited by Lixy#2668 on Sep 26, 2020, 11:01:51 AM
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
hey guys,
can you please make an celestial Fireball and Ice Shot skin pls !! <3
Both skills are insane but they need a good skin!
I stil waiting for skins for CLAWS :/

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