New Glimmerwood Microtransactions and Super Stash Sale


The bundle is already discounted so it doesn't go down further I don't remember ANY bundle being ever discounted further in a sale so it seems intentional.

I mean the 6x stash tab/premium tab BUNDLES are on a "double discount". I'd assume they would atleast lower the bundle price to 90 to match the 3 tabs, makes no sense for the bundle to be more expensive than individual tabs.
Last edited by husker3011#3122 on Sep 25, 2020, 6:10:13 AM
Good job! Harvest MTXes looks really good.
now please bring back the glimmerwood mystery box :(
You are a wizard harry
Amazing! Love the Harvest color pallete SO MUCH! GJ
any advice on which stash tabs are best to get, please? I have one currency one and about 10 regulars already (and 2 premium)

I'm mainly looking at the special ones, which would be most useful playing the game today, please?
Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
wings are nice
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
Umbral_Spectre wrote:
any advice on which stash tabs are best to get, please? I have one currency one and about 10 regulars already (and 2 premium)

I'm mainly looking at the special ones, which would be most useful playing the game today, please?

As someone who has most of the tabs, my personal priority list is:

1: 1x Currency Stash Tab (Must)
2: 2x Premium Stash Tab (For Trading)
3: 1x Quad Stash Tab (Dump Tab)
4: 1x Map Stash Tab
5: 1x Fragment Tab
6: 1x Essence/Divination Tab (Same prirty)
7: 1x Delve/Blight (Which do you farm?)
8: 1-2x Unique Stash Tab (For collectors)
9: 2-4x Stash Tabs (Extra space for misc)

Delirium and Metamorph tabs are ones I'm not sure if I would be recommending.

Anyway, I hope this helps

Happy hunting!

//Edit: If you're also part of a guild, donating points to it for a Guild Stash tab is also a pretty good investment.
Last edited by Reinier11#4457 on Sep 25, 2020, 2:42:28 PM
my preferred tabs:

1: Currency. This is a must have.
2: Prem. Quad tab for trading

After those two, anything else is basically pandering to my OCD to keep things organized. That being said I would get the following:

1: Maps
2: div cards
3: essences

Beyond that prem. tabs are sufficient in my eyes if you are a league only player. If you play std and horde items, then the other league tabs might interest you. Happy hunting.
Hhmm, ok. Glimmerwood, you say. Nice one. I already have the Transcendence Armour Set from the Glimmerwood Set.

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