Massive performance loss since 3.11.2

Same problem here right after patch, before that i could play 4 spells CoC build totally smooth. Now i have 10 fps sometimes while standing still.

Using GTX 1070.

Something def. went wrong with 3.11.2
My experience before 3.11.2: Near perfect. Very few crashes and would only occasionally get fps drops with Intervention. I even made a hardcore character for the first time since Incursion that made it to 85 with no issues and only died because I decided to pet my cat while in a map.

My experience since 3.11.2: Log-in. Disconnect. Re-log. Attempt to load a character. Disconnect. Re-log. Attempt to load into my hideout. Disconnect. Re-log. Attempt to enter a map. Disconnect. Re-log. Attempt to re-enter a map. Loading screen outlasts grace timer. Die. Re-enter map. Delirium/Legion/Blight/Intervention = death. Delirium and Intervention are particularly bad. The game completely shits the bed if either appear on the map. And, unlike Delirium, Blight, and Legion, you can't skip Intervention, which is still some goddamned bullshit. Fucking hell, I hate Betrayal. The game hasn't run this poorly for me since the pre-lockstop, 'oos' days. Anyways, if you were going to drop this patch, I would have preferred to it drop before Harvest rather than the first league since Legion I was legitimately looking forward to.
Last edited by GrumpyMcElbows on Sep 16, 2020, 4:46:54 PM

having the same issue. For some reason, my standalone has better performance than my steam.

Hanzoist wrote:

having the same issue. For some reason, my standalone has better performance than my steam.


Thanks to this post i just tried out the standalone client (was using Steam before) and BY THE GODS it's running smooth in comparison.

Something fucky is up with the steam client.
I truly wish GGG would stop worrying about new content and SHITTY leagues and actually fix performance issues. Packet loss, FPS drops to single digits, especially for steam users. The constant crashes are such a frustrating process to deal with some days that I just go play different games for the rest of the day...

COME ON GGG... you make so much money off of MTX you can do better than this if you weren't worried about buying Black Lotuses and Power 9 cards. If this league continues these same inconsistencies, crashes, and bugs, I'll just find a new game altogether until someone actually tells me it's running smoothly.

I'll give it a week.
I have had random crashes since last patch as well, 100% Deli maps are unplayable. Gradual decline in performance the last few months makes me quit the game for the time being.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Sep 17, 2020, 2:32:56 PM
Same for me
I've got no problem with FPS, but the flashing artifcts are all over the screen, impossible to play.

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