Massive performance loss since 3.11.2

Hey there,

first off, sorry i dunno if i should report this in technical support or bug reports.

After the 3.11.2 patch yesterday i tested the performance a little bit to see if it got any better.

And to my surprise the performance got even WORSE then before the patch, even though it wasn't great to begin with since ~mid harvest.

I tested it with my last char a Volatile Dead + Detonate Dead, Spellslinger.

This is the usual experience throughout a simple map, you can actually see the dips everytime i attack a monster pack with a spellslinger slavo. This happens on DX11 as well as Vulcan.

Here's my DXDiag

I'm gaming on 4K resolution with everything set to max but my system should be far enough to handle this. PoE rests on my M.2 NVMe to minimize loading times.

The best performance i had was after the deployment of 3.10.2 and before 3.11.0 where it was a rock solid steady 60 fps on 4K/ultra with the Vulcan API without ANY problems whatsoever.

After 3.11 and gradually with every patch after that it got a little worse every time and REALLY bad (borderline unplayable) with the latest 3.11.2 patch.

I hope this somehow can help in locating the problem before the launch of Heist :(
Last edited by Setharial on Sep 11, 2020, 8:14:48 PM
Last bumped on Sep 17, 2020, 4:19:10 PM
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Not sure if this will help your case but for me what I did was delete my shader cache in C:/ProgramData/Nvidia Corporation/Nv_Cache make sure you have files unhidden to see programdata folder.

Also if you run on steam, in your steam library right click poe and go to properties, local files and verify game files integrity.

If on standalone go to where you installed your POE open the GGG folder right click packcheck.exe and run as admin. Then restart your PC.

I don’t know if it’ll help you but it helped me.
TempoTune wrote:
Not sure if this will help your case but for me what I did was delete my shader cache in C:/ProgramData/Nvidia Corporation/Nv_Cache make sure you have files unhidden to see programdata folder.

Also if you run on steam, in your steam library right click poe and go to properties, local files and verify game files integrity.

If on standalone go to where you installed your POE open the GGG folder right click packcheck.exe and run as admin. Then restart your PC.

I don’t know if it’ll help you but it helped me.

Sadly those tips didn't do anything :(
Same problem here. I have a fairly high end pc and normally run at 80-100 fps in 4k. I'm getting single digit fps randomly in maps and almost full lock up when legion encounters activate.

This only started after this recent patch.
I am pretty much in the same boat. Vulcan was so smooth few patches ago. Now i even get framedrops in my hideout by using movement skills, which NEVER happend before at all. Current Performance makes me sick looking into a fresh league start with that.
yeah +1 for me too ... it was perfect before patch 250+ fps a little fall when i open box or legion ... and now 200fps max and huge drop ! i dont understand ? Can i do something ? GGG will do something ?
I think it will take months to fix the performance issues. I have them too. Screen freeze spikes. Crashes. Yesterday I could not enter maps of some people I found in global parties - map enter = crash to desktop.
The timing of patch is very unfortunate and should have been more tested.

I have tried to delete nv_cache, and it helped with performance, the whole map was smooth. Only alched tho. At least on solo totems char.
Last edited by hogancz on Sep 15, 2020, 8:16:53 PM
same here. opening a legion while using vulcan, horrible fps drops and game freezes for several seconds. opening legion with dx11, only small fps drops, but game doesn't freeze.

frame time spiking to 50 and over constantly. 3.12 league start is gonna be horrible if this keeps on going. i've repaired all files through steam, all were fine tho.


🍇OverLord's elderberry kiosk🍇 /3029690
Rapture Peak
IGN: OverLordFML
Joined: Sep 3, 2015
me too getting almost unplayable amounts of lag, was fine before patch but nows its way worse than before i upgraded to an ssd.. delirum, leagion etc causes huge lag spikes and just end up with res in town screen after.

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