[3.11 Harvest] "Auto-Cannon" Chief's General / All content EZ / Tanky with DPS / Videos & GIF

Overmasterr wrote:
Can we not drop "Combat Control" (travel skills do not use exerted attacks) and save like 4 passive points if we just commit to using Dash instead of Leap Slam? Seems pretty worth it to me.

Also, I'm having trouble understanding why cooldown recovery would not be better than +1 to mirage warriors. I understand that additional mirage warriors is straight up more damage, but as you said in your intro, CDR is like attack speed for this build. It also increases reliability/safety, because summoning the mirage warriors more frequently leaves you less exposed to stragglers after you blow up one pack. It's kind of a pain slowly waiting for more mirage warriors to spawn after every alpha strike-- for this reason I wonder if mirage warrior CDR would be better afterall. But I could be wrong, interested in your thoughts. :)

He already doesnt take combat control in the POB? btw im using flame dash and it seems to work better i would prefer dash but only with second wind.

I think the added dps gained from having 1 more warrior will always beat cooldown recovery. with like 5 warriors yooure kind of limited to 5 attacks, but one more warrior you could technically also clear more mobs in a sense per warcry. idk just my 2 cents
Tested second wind didn't seem that great
Last edited by IzCream on Jul 12, 2020, 4:07:35 PM

For those who are still sleeping on this build, give it a shot. You can do all map mods incl reflect & no regen.

ive been testing many setups and i find a 6l Cyclone with volatile dead gives you insane clearspeed. you're also able to have more sockets and can run good cwdt and movement skill set ups. (see my links) disintegrator gives a decent spell damage boost too which is real nice. you lose a bit of life without kaoms but i'd say its worth it makes mapping soo smooth.

For pantheons soul of ralakesh + arakaali helps to mitigate a lot of the phys damage degen from disintegrator too

Really big thanks to OP for this build now i cant play anything else, truly what i was looking for tanky with dps :)
Last edited by IzCream on Jul 12, 2020, 4:22:48 PM
i started this kind of build as i respectd my ice crash jugger, with 6l cyclone setup and 6l generals in chest. for now it feels good to me and im not planning to switch tio chieftain since i use xoph's.

For next step to push dmg out i would replace the disintegrator for shaper 6L Eclipse Staff, trying to get cwc lv 20 with descent rolls so u can run cyclone,cwc,lgoh,ml,desecrate,culling strike, wave of conviction

guess colours and descent rolls will be pain in the ass but ok

then trying to get a shaper or crusader 20%cdr belt and 15%cdr shaper or crusader boots + 30% helmet enchant for generals cry WHICH should push cdr to like around 1 sec if u pick all cdr notes on tree

what u think, pushing cdr worth it???

current crap gear so far:

Last edited by BER44 on Jul 13, 2020, 11:56:15 AM
BER44 wrote:
i started this kind of build as i respectd my ice crash jugger, with 6l cyclone setup and 6l generals in chest. for now it feels good to me and im not planning to switch tio chieftain since i use xoph's.

For next step to push dmg out i would replace the disintegrator for shaper 6L Eclipse Staff, trying to get cwc lv 20 with descent rolls so u can run cyclone,cwc,lgoh,ml,desecrate,culling strike, wave of conviction

guess colours and descent rolls will be pain in the ass but ok

then trying to get a shaper or crusader 20%cdr belt and 15%cdr shaper or crusader boots + 30% helmet enchant for generals cry WHICH should push cdr to like around 1 sec if u pick all cdr notes on tree

what u think, pushing cdr worth it???

pushed cdr as much as i can, no luck with the staff, couldnt get the exact mods i was lookinf for after a few k of alts etc. but its a a start, warstaff base would have been much easier to craft. also intended colours havent worked yet but gear is okish for now, im at ~1.4 cd on the cry, shredds random t16 bosses really fast

My take on the lategame gear for this build.

Broke 4mil Consecrated Path DPS!! (3mil General's Cry)

POB: https://pastebin.com/BDFuE31j

Great build. Really enjoyed playing it and taking it as far as I can. General's Cry CD down to 1.75s-- had it lower before using shaped Stygian Vise, Crusader boots, etc. but the diminishing returns of CDR made me favour a higher DPS set-up instead. 1.75s is plenty fast already- I think at my peak I got it around 1.5s but had to take a ton of concessions to get there. Decided to say fuck it and embrace full cannon- slow, tanky, and absolutely destructive.

-4mil Consecrated Path DPS/3mil General's Cry cannonblasts
-72% Block with Serpent Stance crit, 3.11 buffed Maelstrom Staff and GB
-Perma 6 Endurance Charges + Perma max Immortal Call (spam on cooldown)
-6.5k eHP at lvl91
-Balanced resists for Wise Oak
-70% phys damage reduction
-1.75 CD General's Cry
-capped crit chance, 575% crit multi
-corrupted blood immunity/no ailment flasks needed
-Level 10 Clarity/Level 22 Precision (Capped accuracy)
-Level 20 Dash (Don't use Leap Slam- soo slooow)
-0 mana General's Cry
-60% MS
-BiS helm, gloves, and belt enchant (Commandment of Force hits HARD) and pretty good boot enchant (Movement speed if not damaged recently would be better)

All in all really happy with the build so far, used a lot of community suggestions here and in the Forbidden Trove discord to get it to where it is now. Even had the pleasure of meeting diabloyd in a party while we were both trying to buy an Awakened Melee Physical Support too, ha. Anyways, now that my DPS is high enough, I can farm my t16s with janky skills like Sweep too :P

Interested to see where the build goes next- I feel like there's further optimization possible here, but even as it is now I think this is one of the most underrated builds in the game.
Last edited by Overmasterr on Jul 17, 2020, 4:18:39 AM
Overmasterr wrote:
My take on the lategame gear for this build.

Broke 4mil Consecrated Path DPS!! (3mil General's Cry)

POB: https://pastebin.com/BDFuE31j

Great build. Really enjoyed playing it and taking it as far as I can. General's Cry CD down to 1.75s-- had it lower before using shaped Stygian Vise, Crusader boots, etc. but the diminishing returns of CDR made me favour a higher DPS set-up instead. 1.75s is plenty fast already- I think at my peak I got it around 1.5s but had to take a ton of concessions to get there. Decided to say fuck it and embrace full cannon- slow, tanky, and absolutely destructive.

-4mil Consecrated Path DPS/3mil General's Cry cannonblasts
-72% Block with Serpent Stance crit, 3.11 buffed Maelstrom Staff and GB
-Perma 6 Endurance Charges + Perma max Immortal Call (spam on cooldown)
-6.5k eHP at lvl91
-Balanced resists for Wise Oak
-70% phys damage reduction
-1.75 CD General's Cry
-capped crit chance, 575% crit multi
-corrupted blood immunity/no ailment flasks needed
-Level 10 Clarity/Level 22 Precision (Capped accuracy)
-Level 20 Dash (Don't use Leap Slam- soo slooow)
-0 mana General's Cry
-60% MS
-BiS helm, gloves, and belt enchant (Commandment of Force hits HARD) and pretty good boot enchant (Movement speed if not damaged recently would be better)

All in all really happy with the build so far, used a lot of community suggestions here and in the Forbidden Trove discord to get it to where it is now. Even had the pleasure of meeting diabloyd in a party while we were both trying to buy an Awakened Melee Physical Support too, ha. Anyways, now that my DPS is high enough, I can farm my t16s with janky skills like Sweep too :P

Interested to see where the build goes next- I feel like there's further optimization possible here, but even as it is now I think this is one of the most underrated builds in the game.

Damn Nice staff!! ive been working on getting my gear to endgame as well, i really tried crafing a staff but no matter what having 7+ shaper items plus disintegrator still beats a regular dps staff for me.

i got a pretty sick helm for the build recently and damn did my damage skyrocket.

btw just curious you could prob get more dps running an amulet with extra fire +crit multi is it still worth running hyrri's truth for you
IzCream wrote:
Overmasterr wrote:
My take on the lategame gear for this build.

Broke 4mil Consecrated Path DPS!! (3mil General's Cry)

POB: https://pastebin.com/BDFuE31j

Great build. Really enjoyed playing it and taking it as far as I can. General's Cry CD down to 1.75s-- had it lower before using shaped Stygian Vise, Crusader boots, etc. but the diminishing returns of CDR made me favour a higher DPS set-up instead. 1.75s is plenty fast already- I think at my peak I got it around 1.5s but had to take a ton of concessions to get there. Decided to say fuck it and embrace full cannon- slow, tanky, and absolutely destructive.

-4mil Consecrated Path DPS/3mil General's Cry cannonblasts
-72% Block with Serpent Stance crit, 3.11 buffed Maelstrom Staff and GB
-Perma 6 Endurance Charges + Perma max Immortal Call (spam on cooldown)
-6.5k eHP at lvl91
-Balanced resists for Wise Oak
-70% phys damage reduction
-1.75 CD General's Cry
-capped crit chance, 575% crit multi
-corrupted blood immunity/no ailment flasks needed
-Level 10 Clarity/Level 22 Precision (Capped accuracy)
-Level 20 Dash (Don't use Leap Slam- soo slooow)
-0 mana General's Cry
-60% MS
-BiS helm, gloves, and belt enchant (Commandment of Force hits HARD) and pretty good boot enchant (Movement speed if not damaged recently would be better)

All in all really happy with the build so far, used a lot of community suggestions here and in the Forbidden Trove discord to get it to where it is now. Even had the pleasure of meeting diabloyd in a party while we were both trying to buy an Awakened Melee Physical Support too, ha. Anyways, now that my DPS is high enough, I can farm my t16s with janky skills like Sweep too :P

Interested to see where the build goes next- I feel like there's further optimization possible here, but even as it is now I think this is one of the most underrated builds in the game.

Damn Nice staff!! ive been working on getting my gear to endgame as well, i really tried crafing a staff but no matter what having 7+ shaper items plus disintegrator still beats a regular dps staff for me.

i got a pretty sick helm for the build recently and damn did my damage skyrocket.

btw just curious you could prob get more dps running an amulet with extra fire +crit multi is it still worth running hyrri's truth for you

Thanks, I got really lucky on the staff, I hit the t3 lines within just 100 jaggies- now I'm deciding if I want to invest more trying to hit t2/t1 rolls, grab a HH or just spend elsewhere. But it's perfectly serviceable even as-is.

One important thing to consider about a Rare Staff v Distintegrator is a rare staff opens you up to equip lots of NON-shaper, non-elder gear, and that can factor into the DPS as well. Disintegrator is really a crazy cost-efficent unique for this build, to the point that in hindsight I could say that crafting this staff was probably a little frivolous, but you definitely will not hit the upper limits of your DPS without using one simply because you give up too many good uniques or other influences to enable your Siphoning Charges. (The gloves, belt and helmet slot in particular stand out to me in particular, but there's also a lot of options to explore in the amulet and even boots slot too.)

The helm I'm really interested in experimenting with and probably should ASAP. This build is endlessly hungry for more and more flat phys and Abyssus is amazing for taking your damage into the nosebleeds but I suspect a -fire res to nearby enemies helm is secretly a more multiplier I can't calculate till they add General's Cry support, since we blast 6 times in a volley. Even so I think Abyssus is really great as well, so it's hard to say.

The amulet slot is also one I've thought about a lot. Honestly though for as much as I've entertained the idea of switching to a rare amulet, Hyrri's Truth is just such a roleplayer for us. It fixs our dex, gives us some more flat phys, "gives" us a gem socket, gives us crit multi, some phys damage leech, tons of accuracy, saves mana...

I have no doubt that in an environment where you could buy every piece of gear you wanted all at once, with exactly the affixs and rolls you needed, there exists many configurations of this build that skip Hyrri's Truth. Unfortunately because I was gearing piece-by-piece as I played, I ended up in a situation where I needed a serious Lightnig rez fixer ring (like 70% on a single ring lol) which meant switching to a socket ring and replacing Hyrri's was just out of the question. That said I don't really have any regrets- even if I were to melt this build down and rebuild it from scratch I might still opt to take Hyrri's again. It fixs our accuracy, dex, gem space and mana problems in one slot alone while ALSO throwing in some free flat phys and leech to boot.

In sum I think there's a lot of ways you can build this set-up and still find tons of success with it. I'd like to experiment with an explodey chest (and maybe even fit an additional curse) for some clear QoL too, as the mirages tendency to fire at the same target combined with Conc's Path limited AoE even in Sand Stance can make clearing big packs slower than it needs to be considering the damage.

Let me know what you find out using your own individual set-up!
How can I post my gear here from mobile? I’m looking for some help. If anything maybe check my profile and look at my character called “LoudNoise” , I could use some help as I’m starting to feel like I can’t progress any further
Overmasterr wrote:
The amulet slot is also one I've thought about a lot. Honestly though for as much as I've entertained the idea of switching to a rare amulet, Hyrri's Truth is just such a roleplayer for us. It fixs our dex, gives us some more flat phys, "gives" us a gem socket, gives us crit multi, some phys damage leech, tons of accuracy, saves mana...

I have no doubt that in an environment where you could buy every piece of gear you wanted all at once, with exactly the affixs and rolls you needed, there exists many configurations of this build that skip Hyrri's Truth. Unfortunately because I was gearing piece-by-piece as I played, I ended up in a situation where I needed a serious Lightnig rez fixer ring (like 70% on a single ring lol) which meant switching to a socket ring and replacing Hyrri's was just out of the question. That said I don't really have any regrets- even if I were to melt this build down and rebuild it from scratch I might still opt to take Hyrri's again. It fixs our accuracy, dex, gem space and mana problems in one slot alone while ALSO throwing in some free flat phys and leech to boot.

I'm with you. I'm really liking the flexibility the addition of Hyrri's Truth gives in the other slots. It takes care of a few issues for me that would have taken up slots on other equipment or limited the choices i could have made in those other slots.

Sure it might not be min-max ideal but this build is tanky enough with enough DPS that i don't feel i'm missing out by running the Hyrri's enough to replace the QOL improvements it gives.

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