[3.11 Harvest] "Auto-Cannon" Chief's General / All content EZ / Tanky with DPS / Videos & GIF

If you're using a rare staff instead of Disintigrator, how important is Fortify on boots versus, say, Elusive + Tailwind? I know it's comparing speed to defence, but relatively, how much defence does fortify really give this build considering it's already pretty tanky. Could you not socket it into Leap Slam instead?
Overmasterr wrote:
If you're using a rare staff instead of Disintigrator, how important is Fortify on boots versus, say, Elusive + Tailwind? I know it's comparing speed to defence, but relatively, how much defence does fortify really give this build considering it's already pretty tanky. Could you not socket it into Leap Slam instead?

Fortify gives you straight up 20% less hit damage taken, which is huge.

You can use Leap+Fortify, but it'd be quite clunky to use I guess.
IzCream wrote:
hey i've been testing things out with hyrri's truth amulet, it frees up a slot for gems and gives you a really cheap precision lv22 (101 mana). with just one mana mod on gear, you are able to run lv5 clarity and all the auras to sustain warcries. the amulet gives a lot of dexterity which we need, crit multi which is nice, phys damage and a little leech. what do you think? you could even anoint some other stuff cause now you dont need deep thoughts anymore. but since the amulet has no health, we could anoint maybe golems blood? (16% max life & 1.8%regen)'

idk what would be the best anoint though

Golem's Blood is 10% life & 1.6% regen btw, but it's still a good one.

I'd say you go Tenacity (a hidden notable passive only accessible through oil anointment (recipe is Crimson + Golden*2)

Gives you life AND a decent damage buff.
IzCream wrote:
sorry to bother you with more questions really loving the build so far

what do you think about removing wave of conviction for infused channeling?
wave of conviction kind of makes desecrate spawnning on cyclone a little "
slower" in a sense that it casts two spells. (doesnt matter that with much bossing) maybe even running wave of conviction only during bosses might enable a smoother mapping experience. i need to do some testing to see if it makes a diff.

do you know if life gain on hit maybe from rings from mirage warriors?

Well since General's cry does not consume corpse, you don't need to cast desecrate so frequently. Plus, WoC gives you a lot of damage, you'll need every damage buff source you can since this build's damage is not that good compared to other "traditional melees".

Mirage warriors use your stats, but they're not you, nor they are minions; therefor you won't benefit the life gain on hit if the mirage warriors hit the enemy.
However, you can still get life gain on hit and do it yourself (use cyclone). Not recommended though, even with LGoH support gem the regen effectiveness is still quite low.

IzCream wrote:

btw based on what you said if you have awakened melee damage, the best combo would be rattling below + mob mentality?

Best for damage. For general mapping Lead by Example is still the best since it gives you permanent onslaught.
Last edited by diabloyd on Jul 8, 2020, 10:43:42 PM
why you say that elder shaper items better? We have some benefit from this influence? I dont get it
Prox wrote:
why you say that elder shaper items better? We have some benefit from this influence? I dont get it

If you're using the Disintegrator staff you get +1 max siphon charge for each elder/shaper item equipped.
diabloyd wrote:

Thanks for all your help diabloyd. It's craft league, so I'm cashing in my dragon's hoard of 50ex to make a GG rare staff to push this build's middling damage up to respectable levels. (I assume that's going to have more impact than a Headhunter but who knows :p) Have the Merciless Maelstrom base already, going to fracture it and start throwing Jagged fossils at it tonight or tomorrow sometime.

Lines-wise, I assume you want something like
Flat Phys
Crit Multi
Crit Rate
18% Quality + Crit?

Since we don't benefit nearly as much from attack speed.

Other than that, do you have any recommendations for uniques/different influences to use if we move away from Disintigrator? Abyssus, Hyrri's Truth or maybe Xoph's Blood, etc? Just curious to pick your brain on what you would choose if you were fully funding the build-- I'd love to see a guide section on BiS options. Thanks again in any case!!
Last edited by Overmasterr on Jul 9, 2020, 1:01:17 AM
Ive tried out the Hyrri's Amulet suggestion and it works well.. I don't run out of mana, I don't have deep thought's allocated, i've re-crafted my rings and gloves which had dex crafted on to them to something more DPS focused and I think the setup works well..

Only shit thing is its (near) impossible to find an influenced Hyrri's Amulet.
Really loving the build so far! still working on my gear with amulet and ring halfway done through harvest craft. for me i tried two ways of not using deep thoughts one was the hyrri's bite amulet but in the long run you do lose some dps especially with the insane mods u can get on a rare amulet shaper/elder influenced.

Currently what im using is a -10 to mana cost watcher's eye along with ring -9 mana cost which gets general cry at 1 mana per use. (pm me if you need the craft ill be happy to help)

Im considering if admonisher is a better enchant than tenacity, with remove ailment on warcry i might not even need a bleed flask with corrupting blood jewel too.

using this "spare" amulet we can effectively do no regen maps as well which used to be a pain in the ass

Btw when you say attack speed doesnt matter does that mean that attack speed does not increase dps? since the hit rate is kind of fixed?
Last edited by IzCream on Jul 9, 2020, 7:01:45 PM
Can we not drop "Combat Control" (travel skills do not use exerted attacks) and save like 4 passive points if we just commit to using Dash instead of Leap Slam? Seems pretty worth it to me.

Also, I'm having trouble understanding why cooldown recovery would not be better than +1 to mirage warriors. I understand that additional mirage warriors is straight up more damage, but as you said in your intro, CDR is like attack speed for this build. It also increases reliability/safety, because summoning the mirage warriors more frequently leaves you less exposed to stragglers after you blow up one pack. It's kind of a pain slowly waiting for more mirage warriors to spawn after every alpha strike-- for this reason I wonder if mirage warrior CDR would be better afterall. But I could be wrong, interested in your thoughts. :)
Last edited by Overmasterr on Jul 10, 2020, 5:14:10 AM

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