MISSION IMPOSSIBLE guild/32 tabs/118 members/New discord server

Having the chance to play with Conq is awesome, and the Mission guild has been an absolute blast for me since day 1. Come by and say hi!

Ju8st to let you know we have lots of open slots right now and are actively recruiting.
Hey! I would love to join your guild. This is my first league actually pushing end game content and im loving it!
My IGN is Darkduder. I joined the discord as well
I would gladly send you an invitation Darkduder but that character name is either incorrect or the character has been deleted.
is the guild still available ? because its either got removed or ive been kicked out lmao
Same here, but its seems like its not that case - nor discord or topic on forum is working... If we got problems or so, plz let me know in here, i will try to help if possible.
Sadly i got to know that the guild has disbanded :/ sad

time to look for a new guild
Anyone know what's going on? Is Koolaid okay?
Oh guild disbanded ? What happen ?
What Happened came back from 4 days and no guild or discord? everything ok????

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