MISSION IMPOSSIBLE guild/32 tabs/118 members/New discord server


Mission Impossible's mission is to help newer players to achieve veteran status, within the game, in a very short time. We're looking for a balanced mix of new players who need help and advanced players who would like to help. So, if either of these is you, this will be a great guild for you to belong to.

1. Be respectful to all players, in the game, whether in the guild or not.
2. No talking about politics or religion, of any kind, because this leads to drama, which brings us to rule #3
3. No drama. If you have a problem with another guild member, please take it up with me. No arguing in guild chat! Take it to whispers if need be.
4. Speak English. Not to be discriminatory, but we have to be able to communicate, as a team.
5. No extreme vulgarity. If it's offensive, please keep it out of guild chat.
6. Be active. If you are absent, from the game, without notice, for 7 days, you will probably be removed. You are always welcome back when you return. I usually have members post notes on their characters in their friends tab, if they are going out of town or are going to be absent for any reason.
7. No Begging. If someone offers to help you or is giving their stuff away definitely get in on that but begging is definitely frowned upon, here. It’s fine to ask for petty stuff, in guild chat, for lower value stuff, that people just have laying around. Begging is defined as asking for, or repeatedly asking for higher end/more valuable items, in guild chat, or asking individual players, who are more well off, for free stuff. Guild chat encompasses and is defined as in game guild chat, discord voice and text channels, and any form of private messaging.
8. No real money trading. If you are found scamming and/or cheating, in this game, in any way, you will be removed.
9. Have fun. Help others have fun, too!

We ahve a new diescord server that will hopefully be growing and improving over time. anyone is frree to join even if they don't join the guild. YOu can join here: https://discord.gg/Ehf3knZZ

We're only taking discord users because it will be a very integral part of our guild operations. To apply, please join our discord and go to the Mission Impossible section and head to the apply to mission impossible channel, and follow the simple directions which is a pinned message. Our discord link is: https://discord.gg/4HvuAQN

Be a part of something that is about to grow into something incredible, very quickly. Join now!

If you're on your way to our discord, please BUMP THIS THREAD on your way out and let us know you're on your way.

Thanks to everyone who has donated points to our growth and development! Some of these players are still in the original Mission and gave points to Mission Impossible because they believe in what we are about to do!
BaronLord9987, tsurasa, ajryan, antiup, HennessyHenry, cloudpersona, paradox2419
Last edited by Conqurer on Jan 3, 2021, 3:25:36 PM
Last bumped on Sep 13, 2021, 6:22:30 AM
I joined the original guild recently and have to say its so well organized and full of helpful knowledgeable people. Every league has been easy thanks to this guild and its people. Welcoming one and all to both guilds, join us!
Maybe name the guild something else, like emission, missionary, mission impossible or wutever to give the guild a more unique identity. Mission II feels like Batman and Robin, but you are Robin instead of Batman
Thanks for the advice, I will be considering alternative names and will probably change it in the next few days.
I would personally like to welcome everyone to our discord community, whether you join the guild or not. You can come check us out, see what you think, and maybe join after that.

Feel free to chat it up with us in one of our many text channels or even join voice. We usually have a lot of players on voice chat. The community is well over 800 members strong, now, and we usually have at least 300 members logged in at a time.

We really have a great discord community, so join us today and benefit from the huge amount of resources we have to offer there.

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu
53 members already? Great job guys!
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu
So can we name the next one mission impossible 2
Great job so far Conq!
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu
Bump, GREAT guild!

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