
Thanks for the answer Remicaster1 and Viktranka.

Another question. Based on the calculator, we need (or maybe I need, not sure) 30 radius to have 6 overlaps. How to get from 28 to 30 radius to get the 6 overlap? In the PoB guide, the radius is 28.
Viktranka wrote:
_mrkvn wrote:
Can "#% Increased damage with bows" prefix mod in jewel benefits the build?
Nop it doesn't work.

What works:
projectile damage
area damage
damage over time
damage over time while wielding two handed weapon (abyss jewel)
chaos damage
damage over time multiplier / chaos damage over time multiplier

What doesn't work: (don't bother with these)
damage with bows
attack damage
projectile attack damage
adds chaos damage to attacks
damage with ailments / faster ailments
poison damage

Also What works:
increased damage. (generic like that... not "with bows")
chaos damage with attack skills
damage over time with bow skills
increased area of effect
increased skill effect duration
increased attack speed
Last edited by SkylerOG on Aug 28, 2020, 10:09:15 AM
_mrkvn wrote:
Thanks for the answer Remicaster1 and Viktranka.

Another question. Based on the calculator, we need (or maybe I need, not sure) 30 radius to have 6 overlaps. How to get from 28 to 30 radius to get the 6 overlap? In the PoB guide, the radius is 28.

Sources of possible AoE for this build:
Toxic Rain: +10%
Carcass Jack: +40% to +50%
Natures Reprisal: +50%
Increased Area of Effect Support Gem: +49%(lvl 20) to +55%(awakened lvl 6)
Lethal Assault (3 passives): +5%/+10%/+5%
Heavy Draw (3 passives): 0%/+8%/+12%
Versatile Stance (requires Flesh&Stone Sand Stance - 3 passives): +10%/0%/+15%
Gloves Crafted Mod: +10%
Broadside: +25% (Large Clusters + Megalomaniac Medium Clusters, so can probably do upwards of 6 of these if really wanted to)

And then there are even some additional ways to get it, like the +AoE on an Elder influenced rare bow or warlords influenced ring. I'm also probably missing several possible sources as I just tossed this together off the top of my head.

If I get the time later, I'll try to breakdown the percentage increases needed per AoE pod overlap breakpoint.
Last edited by SkylerOG on Aug 28, 2020, 10:36:33 AM
Remicaster1 wrote:
TKMaxx715 wrote:
With enlighten 4 are you supposed to be able to run skitterbots, flesh and stone, and malevolence without the -reservation malevolence affix on amulet?

Even with -mana for spells craft on a ring, I'd still get throttled due to low mana. I have ~35ish mana when using enlighten 4.


Well to sum it up not really, but you can if you don't mind having to focus on your mana flask. You should have enough mana cost to fire and the mana flask should help sustaining it, though I didn't like it because it's a bit inconsistent.

btw TR is not a spell, it's an attack, you need "-9 of mana to non-channeling skills" something like that

Thank you~ (Sorry i meant the -9 of mana to non-channeling skills)

Since -reservation with malevolence is a very expensive base, would you recommend crafting aspect of the spider instead of skitterbots until then?

Also, do you recommend crafting [(8-10)% increased AoE] vs Increased attack speed on gloves? Or does it depend on how much AoE you've stacked elsewhere?

Thanks again. Appreciate all of your insights and responsiveness, especially so late into the league.
TKMaxx715 wrote:
Also, do you recommend crafting [(8-10)% increased AoE] vs Increased attack speed on gloves?
I'd recommend trying harvest crafting attack speed on gloves while you still can. There aren't that many attack suffixes, mostly accuracy and attack speed. Few extra ones but with low weights. So if you can invest into your gloves, few "remove and add attack" should hopefully get you sorted.
Viktranka wrote:
TKMaxx715 wrote:
Also, do you recommend crafting [(8-10)% increased AoE] vs Increased attack speed on gloves?
I'd recommend trying harvest crafting attack speed on gloves while you still can. There aren't that many attack suffixes, mostly accuracy and attack speed. Few extra ones but with low weights. So if you can invest into your gloves, few "remove and add attack" should hopefully get you sorted.

I... am an actual idiot. I already harvest crafted attack speed on my gloves haha...

I've played Trickster variant a few leagues ago, and I plan to use PF variant if TR doesn't get nerfed next league. Is league start experience as good as that of the Trickster?
MillenniumDH wrote:
I've played Trickster variant a few leagues ago, and I plan to use PF variant if TR doesn't get nerfed next league. Is league start experience as good as that of the Trickster?

From my experience, it actually feels almost the same except since we have a "tailwind flask" we would have a faster movement and attack speed, so imo it's better on leveling wise.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Remicaster1 wrote:
MillenniumDH wrote:
I've played Trickster variant a few leagues ago, and I plan to use PF variant if TR doesn't get nerfed next league. Is league start experience as good as that of the Trickster?

From my experience, it actually feels almost the same except since we have a "tailwind flask" we would have a faster movement and attack speed, so imo it's better on leveling wise.

Have you had any difficulties league starting with it? Should I be good to go without a budget?
MillenniumDH wrote:
Remicaster1 wrote:
MillenniumDH wrote:
I've played Trickster variant a few leagues ago, and I plan to use PF variant if TR doesn't get nerfed next league. Is league start experience as good as that of the Trickster?

From my experience, it actually feels almost the same except since we have a "tailwind flask" we would have a faster movement and attack speed, so imo it's better on leveling wise.

Have you had any difficulties league starting with it? Should I be good to go without a budget?

Early high tier map bossing will have some difficulties in a budget , especially against metamorphs because their regen is stupidly strong, but I did not have as much trouble as trickster because of the mana sustain.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Last edited by Remicaster1 on Aug 29, 2020, 10:26:51 PM

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