
SkylerOG wrote:
Richorn wrote:
In the links section there is no mention of Blood Rage how come?

Do you not use that gem anymore?
I think BR is a definite get now. A lot of people are trying to do a 4L of BR + Anomalous Dash + Second Wind + Enhance4.

The frenzy charges are huge for DPS boost (~+15% more damage) and enhance turns the +10% atk spd into +16%, while also making the AltQ dash have an additional +24% travel distance on top of it's already +20% travel distance from the alternative quality. So it's like +94% travel distance on a 20/20 A-Dash, which is awesome for helping clear speed and moving through maps.

Blood Rage + the 3 frenzy charges it generates consistently nets nearly +21% more DPS combined. And considering we're pathfinder and literally non-stop running a hybrid flask that does constantly 1500-2k/s healing, on top of our 50-100'ish life regen, some life leech, and enduring cry heal... the around -4%/s life degen becomes a complete non-factor. Blood Rage is a no-brainer, IMO.

Add to this it's necessary for the alternative build that uses feed the fury and ES leech, and I pretty much consider it a staple of the build.

1 insta-cast skill gem that we easily counter it's negative effect = +21% more damage. How does anyone pass that up?

Where are you getting the 10 and 16% from. 20 qual is 5%AS and 36 qual 9%AS

Also isn‘t alt Qual 1 BR way better since it gives frenzy on boss fights. Or is 2 (or 3.6%) chance too low to sustain them. Haven‘t tested myself yet
MrChangg wrote:
Quick question. Why replace Dash with Smoke Mine during the lower levels when even you're using Dash at endgame?

Gives movement speed, it is important during lvling
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
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reskone wrote:

what do you think of this build overall ? is it better than your gear ?

the quiver looks rly nice so stop bothering with curse

nah, both sides failed in terms of damage and tankiness. Tankiness is just legit raw hp, no mitigations. While the damage is only 2.2M while we are on at least 5M with an even tankier setup.

Maloney is a bad quiver
1. Not cheap
2. stats on the quiver can be easily replaced with better ones on a rare crafted
3. Curse on hit, literally replaced by a curse on hit ring, which is just a single line stat on a ring.

I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Hey all. Just came across some ex dropping a Surrender. What is my upgrade path from here. All basic gear at the moment.
Nimand35 wrote:
Hey all. Just came across some ex dropping a Surrender. What is my upgrade path from here. All basic gear at the moment.

progression guide got you covered, it is at QnA section
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Last edited by Remicaster1 on Sep 30, 2020, 11:52:15 PM
Hello All,


I was cruising through maps with my current setup. I wanted to see if anyone could possibly take a look at this to look for major flaw. I was cooking through maps until t14-16 and conquerors. I just feel like I don't have fantastic damage and I am also squishy. I only have about 5 ex in the bank so I am considering re-rolling since I am not sure how to advance well from here on that budget.

The main question I had pertained to why we don't use the helmet Asenath's Chant to have it auto cast our despair for us or why we don't use the bottle, witchfire brew. I am using both and I think that is redundant, but others on POE.ninja did it so I followed along since we had a few extra sockets anyway. Is the cast on hit ring simply the best option?

I understand my gloves, belt, and rings are all pretty terrible with no damage mods. I am also confused about the 6 link setup. Should I try to upgrade to a 6L quill rain or carcass jack first? It doesn't seem very value to invest 4 ish ex on a new carcass jack.

What are the low hanging fruits here if anyone is willing or able to tell me other than the gloves, belt, and rings.

Cinderswallow randomly appears in the guide and it isn't really mentioned elsewhere. Do we have a way of dealing fire damage?
chipawa wrote:
Hello All,


I was cruising through maps with my current setup. I wanted to see if anyone could possibly take a look at this to look for major flaw. I was cooking through maps until t14-16 and conquerors. I just feel like I don't have fantastic damage and I am also squishy. I only have about 5 ex in the bank so I am considering re-rolling since I am not sure how to advance well from here on that budget.

The main question I had pertained to why we don't use the helmet Asenath's Chant to have it auto cast our despair for us or why we don't use the bottle, witchfire brew. I am using both and I think that is redundant, but others on POE.ninja did it so I followed along since we had a few extra sockets anyway. Is the cast on hit ring simply the best option?

I understand my gloves, belt, and rings are all pretty terrible with no damage mods. I am also confused about the 6 link setup. Should I try to upgrade to a 6L quill rain or carcass jack first? It doesn't seem very value to invest 4 ish ex on a new carcass jack.

What are the low hanging fruits here if anyone is willing or able to tell me other than the gloves, belt, and rings.

Cinderswallow randomly appears in the guide and it isn't really mentioned elsewhere. Do we have a way of dealing fire damage?

1. Your flask, drop witchfire, replace it with silver flask of acceleration. Then I'd suggest using a mana flask because our mana sustain might be insufficient, but if you're fine for it atm then no need for the mana flask. Replace your belt very soon because you need the abyss jewel with phasing so you can drop another quartz flask. For the question regarding witchfire, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNeEZ0RcgzA&t=10s&ab_channel=RemiCaster watch this video.

2. Asenath chant's spell, you need to use an alternative setup instead of edc, I felt like if you are those person dislike wither totems, asenath's chant is a good replacement for that. But if you don't really hate that setup, it's not a "really" good helmet as you lose chaos resistance for divine flesh. Besides that, despair setup is easily replaced by a curse on hit ring on a single stat, which is just great.

3. Yes prioritize your 6l, Efficacy is a 30% more damage on your build, literally push you from 1.5M to 2M, I'd say invest on a 6l Quill for the moment

4. Don't look for a second cluster atm, you need +1 arrow to your build because atm your AoE is too much for your arrows, you're already on 100% overlap. If you get a +1 arrow, that's another estimated 25% more damage to your build too

5. Cinderswallow is just for the recovery during clear, it doesn't do much on bossing, we don't look for the ignite bonus damage regardless.

6. According to PoB you are overcapped in resistance (especially cold), you could look for something like a DoT gloves, I searched up some, cost nearly an exalt but that's a 7% more damage boost.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
If without one of my ring i have : 106% fire, 116% cold, 136% lightning and 2% chaos resistances, should i go for a budget two stone build with a good life roll and despair on hit?

I tried one in my pob and my DOT DPS goes from 149018.2 and my Total DPS inc. DOT 149614.1 to 218254.3 and 219453.4

Interesting !?

here's my pob https://pastebin.com/c6mhta4G if needed !

Just got my 6l carcass finally after some bad luck so ive been thinking on getting cluster jewels and that despair ring, next !
Ma23ck wrote:
If without one of my ring i have : 106% fire, 116% cold, 136% lightning and 2% chaos resistances, should i go for a budget two stone build with a good life roll and despair on hit?

I tried one in my pob and my DOT DPS goes from 149018.2 and my Total DPS inc. DOT 149614.1 to 218254.3 and 219453.4

Interesting !?

here's my pob https://pastebin.com/c6mhta4G if needed !

Just got my 6l carcass finally after some bad luck so ive been thinking on getting cluster jewels and that despair ring, next !

This is because you aren't benchmarking it on a boss. Despair ring is roughly 17% more damage on bosses like shaper / sirus
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Is any of the alternate gem good? Phantasma seem kinda nice .
Last edited by BlueJasminez on Oct 1, 2020, 1:29:39 AM

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