Rippy league

If you are interested to join.
All mods on but we keep the stash :)
see if you can kill all endgame boss with this.

we gonna use Global 2555 as channel for the league
Last edited by HeavenReality on Apr 22, 2020, 5:52:03 PM
Last bumped on Apr 23, 2020, 7:59:13 PM
Im interested, which mods?
No vendor no thanks :)
why no vendor :(

Because non vendor just a bit more challenge still really easy to get the gem
HeavenReality wrote:
Because non vendor just a bit more challenge still really easy to get the gem

It's not only gems it's also vendor recipes mainly for fusing it takes a long time to get 6L if you are not very lucky you will stay on 5L forever if even that. No vendor is a bad option.
Yeaah, would be down if there was Vendoring :(
Vendoring too easy ;)
saying to easy and making sc league ... well have fun playing your league alone no vendoring has nothing to do with challenge its just obnoxious nothing less

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