3.10 Shouting Chonky Berserker 7.6K Life 50%Dmg Reduction %200 Movespeed 12M Shaper Dps

So a few things if anyone would be able to help me out, (still learning the game)

I'm level 92 atm and loving this build. I have it mmmostly put together but still missing a few key elements:

-3 Channeling Jewelry
-Perfect Medium Cluster Jewels (Warning/Mob)

First, I cannot find this Elreon dude ANYWHERE. Any advice on how I can achieve this on my jewelry? i.e., should I try and reset my syndicate and wipe it clean or is he just THAT rare to find. OR, should I just try and buy jewelry with that on it already.

Second, my medium jewels are....oookay. Mob mentality and either haunting shout, provoc, or something else. But for the life of me I CANNOT get Warning/Mob. I've tried using tons of chaos in hopes of a random yolo roll to get it, and a few one socket serraded fossils, as well as trying to scour/trans/alt/regal/repeat all to no avail. What did you guys do to get this on your cluster jewels because before I commit anymore currency I'd love to know I'm not wasting it.

(Xbox player, Del soft server btw)
Hi can anyone help me I got all the stuff done including watchers eye still only lvl 92 but still why do i only get 700k damage https://pastebin.com/dsPHRkRs. im also a newb so sorry if this is a newb question Thanks I love the build btw its my second character.
Hi can anyone help me I got all the stuff done including watchers eye still only lvl 92 but still why do i only get 700k damage https://pastebin.com/dsPHRkRs. im also a newb so sorry if this is a newb question Thanks I love the build btw its my second character.

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LoOpPedd wrote:
So a few things if anyone would be able to help me out, (still learning the game)

I'm level 92 atm and loving this build. I have it mmmostly put together but still missing a few key elements:

-3 Channeling Jewelry
-Perfect Medium Cluster Jewels (Warning/Mob)

First, I cannot find this Elreon dude ANYWHERE. Any advice on how I can achieve this on my jewelry? i.e., should I try and reset my syndicate and wipe it clean or is he just THAT rare to find. OR, should I just try and buy jewelry with that on it already.

Second, my medium jewels are....oookay. Mob mentality and either haunting shout, provoc, or something else. But for the life of me I CANNOT get Warning/Mob. I've tried using tons of chaos in hopes of a random yolo roll to get it, and a few one socket serraded fossils, as well as trying to scour/trans/alt/regal/repeat all to no avail. What did you guys do to get this on your cluster jewels because before I commit anymore currency I'd love to know I'm not wasting it.

(Xbox player, Del soft server btw)

If you are either member of a guild or have friends request them to craft -3 on your jewelry its dirt cheap to craft

I crafted them this order
alt a jewel if it hits mob ment or jewel socket augment it

End of first section you need a jewel with both mob mentality and jewel socket and then go ahead and regal it, if it hits warning call you are golden perfect one if it hits haunting shout sell it for around an ex buy new base and repeat lastly if you dont hit both of our option scour the jewel and try alting it to mob+jewel then regal again rince and repeat
imrofli wrote:
tiasim wrote:

You can't get stunned during cyclone, but I also notice i stop using shouts every 3-5 maps or so for some reason. So it doesn't happen often but i'm not sure what it is. its not a mana issue since I had my enduring cry on blood magic. But yea don't bother crafting block and stun reduction

actually now that I think of it maybe its a small freeze thats stopping us? That would explain the shouting to stop working if I'm holding it down

hmm maybe, where do you notice it? i fear it's something delirium specific maybe the hands that slow you down or stuff like that.

not entirely sure what it is.

also what kind of small jewels are you guzys trying out? have a chaos resistance with antivenom, fettle and adrenaline.
not sure if i want to leech more or need more health. did not try simulacrum yet but do not get oneshotted so far, more multishotted if i am swarmed.

and to add, where could we craft cooldown reduction on? maybe that helps?

bought this to test (well expensive test) reduces to 4.17 seconds (someone explain me the math behind this)

then there are crusader boots. same mod possible

You dont need cd reduction since they are additive not multiplicative with perfect gear you get around 360% or 370% cd reduction on warcries if you get 20% on top of it you get like 0.05 sec cd reduction I tested it its pretty much worthless sorry to tell you that mate but you can still sell it it looks good

On the berserk side of things yes you can reduce the cooldown or get more uptime while attacking you get like 18secs up and 5 sec cd if you ask me 5 sec downtime is relevant since you can use vaal molten shell and keep either buff up so you take reduced damage all the time and I think there are better options when its come to boots and belts but there you go if you ask me you can get like 3 sec berserk cooldown with perfect gear its also good too

And again you can use %40 rage cost reduction for berserk helm enchant it almost gives us 30% inc overall duration
Last edited by blocker2 on May 15, 2020, 3:02:15 PM
Wickedview wrote:
hey hallo, i like this build but how can you spin and warcry at the same time? if i use the warcry the spin are at the moment interupted.

You need to get battle cry node on the tree so you can get instant cast time
How much of a difference do lvl 21/20% gems and awakened melee phys supp make and in which order should i prioritize getting them?

Awakened gems are not the core of the build but you need them sooner or later so its no big deal but its the buidls intimidate source
imrofli wrote:
cheers galad and blocker. following galads variant at the moment (not comletely, got subpar warcry gems (mob mentality yes, the other is something else)

what i notice is sometimes when i get mobbed i am stunned. i think even during berserk. so what is the best way to ahndle that? block and stun reduction craft?

also happy if you can take a look and bring ideas for what to improve first :)

If you have your rage low you can get stunned so becareful about that
ignite checked in pob with cinderswallow with no realistic way to ignite lol. standard poe forum shit
Thanks for checking back blocker2. Had another question, I'm sort of in the final stages of gearing process for this guy (still need awakened melee and bottle faith), but I also still need to fix one of my large cluster jewels. One of my large clusters does not have deep cuts, instead it has drive the destruction, fuel the fight, smite the weak. How much of an increase in damage (or just how important) is having deep cuts for that jewel? Is it imperative I switch? Otherwise, my other large has deep cuts and I also have that watchers eye as well with 2 additional hits.

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