[3.11] Hollow Palm Cyclone Glad–4M DPS 5.5k Life Max Block–up to 9M DPS

Sillebuc wrote:
toastybubble wrote:
I switched my whole tree + gear from the base build to echo's POB with the split personality jewels, this is how much it cost.

Rings with high chaos resist, life, resists, dex (1-3 ex each) ~ 4 ex avg
6 Split Personality Jewels (3-4 ex each) ~ 20 ex avg
Amulet anointment ~ 2 ex
Watcher's eye double damage pride ~ 2-3 ex
Optimal large cluster jewels (5-8 ex each) ~ 13 ex

Total: ~40-45 ex

My question is that my POB is still only showing 3m dps while echo's is 11m dps. Ours are nearly identical.
Can anyone help me out with that I'm selecting wrong on the POB? Thanks

My POB: https://pastebin.com/J27sRErZ

Echo604's POB: https://pastebin.com/1C2hEEen

I already accounted for the split personalities not giving the right amount of dex/str and made a custom one for the right values. I allocated all the cluster jewels and hollow palm keystone.

It looks like your configuration tab doesn't match his. Ticking the same boxes increase your DPS by quite a bit.

This was very helpful, thanks. I also saw that echo has nearly all the upgraded gems (awakened, 21/23) and Rumi's concoction adds a massive amount of dps. Echo also has the 40% increased cyclone damage on his helmet which skews it quite a bit.

I was able to get to 9m dps without awakened support gems, 21/23, or the lab enchant.
Last edited by toastybubble on Apr 8, 2020, 10:10:20 PM
felipesallum wrote:
i'm starting a new char to play this build. I have some questions, sorry if they were already answered, i read all pages and i still have doubts.
How good is the split personality variant with only 2x jewels and without life/str stats?
Do i take vaal pact? is it necessary with fuel the fight and feed the fury notables taken?
Do i really have to play cyclone? i feel that if i choose frenzy i'm loosing not going raider.
Never played a ''max block'' build before, how much safer is it compared to a max dodge build?
Thanks a lot!

Probably not very good. It's meant to be saved up for after you finish the main build, as all content is doable on the main build. Split personality just makes it a lot easier.

As for vaal pact, you should read the wiki page on how leech works. The sum of it is this: your max leech rate at base is 20% of your max life per second. If you have even semi decent damage, even a single leech node is enough to reach that. What vaal pact does, is it DOUBLES your max leech per second, bringing it up to 40% per second. It also doubles the effect of Drive the Destruction and Vitality Void, bringing your life leech up to 60% of max life per second. Fuel the Fight and Feed the Fury DO NOT affect max leech rate, so you stay with shitty leech.

As for cyclone, the short answer is yes if you want to do all content. Frenzy requires you to stand in place, while cyclone let's you move while dealing damage. It is essentially the only viable melee skill in the game with how melee currently is. Any guide using another skill, including frenzy, is essentially just weird and offmeta.

Block and Dodge function very similarly. The main difference is that dodge characters tend to stay in the dex and int parts of the tree, and as such have no armor and low health, so if they don't dodge they get popped, as dodge is there main (or sometimes only) defensive layer. Block builds tend to be much tankier intrinsically, so are less reliant on block RNG to survive.
Sillebuc wrote:
Without switching to the split personality, are there any glaring upgrades I need?


Kinda hard to tell since the PoB you shared is using split personalities lol. That said, looking at your other gear everything looks fine.
Hi can you check mine and look at my gear etc for better upgrade its smooth so far.

dmoniak wrote:
Hi can you check mine and look at my gear etc for better upgrade its smooth so far.


Only real upgrades left for you are to level and get rings with dex. All your gear is good right now, but dex rings would be an improvement. After you have that, you're roughly at the build's investment cap, but you're also able to do any content easily at that point. The split personality builds just cruise through everything.
Hey Arcayn, thanks for answering all these questions.

I'm actually currently pathing to Echo's build as well, and he doesn't spec into Vaal Pact. I don't have all the gear and skill points, so my life leech is a lot lower, but thoughts into speccing out of Ambidexterity, going for Vaal Pact and Vitality Void, and anointing for Impale?

My leech is only about 400 right now with Vaal Pact and Vitality Void, and that's the set up I'm running. I have no Chaos Resist gear yet so speccing into Cleansed Thoughts isn't that great for me. I think probably having 1300 base leech without Vitality Void and Vaal Pact is enough, but in my current state think I do need it.
Last edited by Rainbowish on Apr 9, 2020, 3:01:30 AM
Arcayn13 wrote:
dmoniak wrote:
Hi can you check mine and look at my gear etc for better upgrade its smooth so far.


Only real upgrades left for you are to level and get rings with dex. All your gear is good right now, but dex rings would be an improvement. After you have that, you're roughly at the build's investment cap, but you're also able to do any content easily at that point. The split personality builds just cruise through everything.

Shoul I aim for a -15 armor and dex ring?
Arcayn13 wrote:
felipesallum wrote:
i'm starting a new char to play this build. I have some questions, sorry if they were already answered, i read all pages and i still have doubts.
How good is the split personality variant with only 2x jewels and without life/str stats?
Do i take vaal pact? is it necessary with fuel the fight and feed the fury notables taken?
Do i really have to play cyclone? i feel that if i choose frenzy i'm loosing not going raider.
Never played a ''max block'' build before, how much safer is it compared to a max dodge build?
Thanks a lot!

Probably not very good. It's meant to be saved up for after you finish the main build, as all content is doable on the main build. Split personality just makes it a lot easier.

As for vaal pact, you should read the wiki page on how leech works. The sum of it is this: your max leech rate at base is 20% of your max life per second. If you have even semi decent damage, even a single leech node is enough to reach that. What vaal pact does, is it DOUBLES your max leech per second, bringing it up to 40% per second. It also doubles the effect of Drive the Destruction and Vitality Void, bringing your life leech up to 60% of max life per second. Fuel the Fight and Feed the Fury DO NOT affect max leech rate, so you stay with shitty leech.

As for cyclone, the short answer is yes if you want to do all content. Frenzy requires you to stand in place, while cyclone let's you move while dealing damage. It is essentially the only viable melee skill in the game with how melee currently is. Any guide using another skill, including frenzy, is essentially just weird and offmeta.

Block and Dodge function very similarly. The main difference is that dodge characters tend to stay in the dex and int parts of the tree, and as such have no armor and low health, so if they don't dodge they get popped, as dodge is there main (or sometimes only) defensive layer. Block builds tend to be much tankier intrinsically, so are less reliant on block RNG to survive.

Thanks for answering! So i should aim for the basic build, and go tweeking from there. I might try other skills though but i'm afraid you're right, not having mobility is very bad since there are so many things that pop in your direction.

Edit: i have one more question, please. Is it worth getting a explody chest with % dex on it?
Last edited by felipesallum on Apr 9, 2020, 8:07:46 AM
NVM, fixed.
Last edited by Tsiganisti on Apr 9, 2020, 7:44:50 AM
Arcayn13 wrote:
Sillebuc wrote:
Without switching to the split personality, are there any glaring upgrades I need?


Kinda hard to tell since the PoB you shared is using split personalities lol. That said, looking at your other gear everything looks fine.

Nevermind, ended up switching to split personality:

Last edited by Sillebuc on Apr 9, 2020, 1:35:32 PM

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