[3.25]The BLOCKMAN

Holint_Casazr wrote:
s0nerdi wrote:
how are you quys getting 100% impale chance? i only have 60% impale chance and i dont find any more impale nodes from the tree...

40% from the impale support gem, so you only see the 100% when you check cyclone, not the auto attack.

Lmao ofc i was looking at the default attack XD thanks for the help <3
Budget version is much weaker than I thought.
Hi Guys,
I've just transformed my dual-wielding max block gladiator to this build. It works pretty smooth for me, after few changes.
IMO Blade Flurry works much better than cyclone.

Maybe a little lack of Chaos resistance, make it hard to deal with some kind of modifiers, but neither Elder, Shaper or Sirius A8 cause me no trouble.
If you want, here is my character:
marios707 wrote:
Hello. I've been following this guide for a few days now and I'd like some help because I feel a bit lost.

I'm at level 90 and here is my gear so far

Here is my problem. My skill tree is the exact same as yours but I only have 4451 life atm. I can do maps just fine but where I have a problem is A8. I've seen your A8 videos and I can see that you can stand on his degen things he spawns on the ground for a while but I either instantly die or I'm left with ~1k life. In the video you can tank almost every attack he throws at you but I get one shot a lot of the times. Does anyone have any idea what's causing that and also why my life pool is that much lower? I don't think that +10-15 life on the amulet/ring/armour is going to raise my health pool by 1k.

You have a ridiculous amount of currency invested in your build to have 50% INCREASED damage TAKEN on your Abyssus.

Find a 40ish Abyssus, and I bet your quality of life improves considerably.
Writer of The Other Grey Meat, a 315 page webcomic.
Magravan wrote:
marios707 wrote:
Hello. I've been following this guide for a few days now and I'd like some help because I feel a bit lost.

I'm at level 90 and here is my gear so far

Here is my problem. My skill tree is the exact same as yours but I only have 4451 life atm. I can do maps just fine but where I have a problem is A8. I've seen your A8 videos and I can see that you can stand on his degen things he spawns on the ground for a while but I either instantly die or I'm left with ~1k life. In the video you can tank almost every attack he throws at you but I get one shot a lot of the times. Does anyone have any idea what's causing that and also why my life pool is that much lower? I don't think that +10-15 life on the amulet/ring/armour is going to raise my health pool by 1k.

You have a ridiculous amount of currency invested in your build to have 50% INCREASED damage TAKEN on your Abyssus.

Find a 40ish Abyssus, and I bet your quality of life improves considerably.

Lol i came to say the same also a "Corrupted Blood Cannot be Inflicted" can do the trick for him
"Look! More hidden footprints!" (2012)

Thanks Blizz/Activision for showing me the right path :)
Last edited by Juantxuu on Oct 20, 2020, 9:55:03 PM
Vurnhat wrote:
McMorning wrote:
Vurnhat wrote:
Besides a corrupted blood cannot affect you jewel, what would be your next upgrade after that? I commonly get 1 shot by rogue exiles in T14+ maps with -armor or -block chance etc. Looking to stop worrying about getting hit even once while leveling, since this is a "face tank" build after all.. Thanks for any advice!

and two jewels that are basically 7% life and damage mods.

The build has main 2 layers of defenses.

First is block - you want to max it to 79%. This is easy to do.

Second is phys dmg reduction - you want to this as high as possible, so when an attack is not blocked, you can mitigate the damage.

Use circle of guilt with phys dmg reduction while affected by HoP. I got one with +% armour as implict to further enhance my defense.

Stack much armour as possible on your gears. If you want, you can pick up Diamond Skin node from the passive tree, which is what I did. And to top itoff, you can use granite flask with +% increased armour during flask effect

My armour is up to 24000 when flask is active. This is 89% phys dmg reduction according to PoB. I have 4.5k life pool and i rarely get one shot.

Thanks! Great advice. Now i'm just un sure what to get first! I already got the flask you suggested for more armor and respec into Diamond Skin as well as Soul of Steel. I only have 10k armor tho with 45% dmg reduction without flasks up which often times happens during bosses when i run out of charges.

I have 300c saved up. My options are to try to save more and get a -15 mana chest, then i could drop praxis. Or I could save up for surrender for more armor. Or I could get an ammy or ryslatha's for dmg but my focus right now is survivability since i'm no longer leveling from dying too much. I can't get circle of guilt ring because then I need resist so that has to be bought same time as -15 chest with is way more than i can afford right now. What do you think I should get next? Shield or chest? Seems like surrender shield since I'm dying huh? Thanks!

If you want more survivability, getting that circle of guilt with 4% phys dmg reduction will help alot. and just trying to stack armour as best as possible. I honestly thing surrender is overated for the price.
If you did all you can to stack armour and gotten that ring, I think you should focus more on your dmg from there.
damnwudi wrote:
any advice regarding dot damage? can facetank almost anything and deathless in sirius,shaper etc but dot damage in random maps has been killing me.

Not really... maybe use soul of arakaali and shakari to mitigate this.
Humtol wrote:
I was playing this until level 92, switched to another build with shitload of life instead of block. Now at 95 I could afford the shield and weapon and switched back to this.

But my damage just sucks really hard. Could someone check my blockman and tell me what I do wrong / what I am missing and should upgrade next?

Try to get more flat phys dmg on your gear - this is how to make your paradoxica shine as it doubles all your flat phys dmg.So get it on your ring, your gloves and your ammy. Also if you can add crit multi where you can.
AND switch your annointment to Bladedancer. Current one is for your axe.
Playing the build for a second league now.

A few changes and thoughts on the build, in no particular order:

Herald of purity + Circle of guilt (59% inc/4% reduced) seems to give less DPS/survivability than Flesh and Stone+Maim combo, and I loose a ring slot for resists/life/curse or whatever I need.

Ring with Assassin's mark looks better than Vulnerability since it's a guaranteed trigger (instead of on hit) on Rares/Uniques, which is where I would need the damage boost.

Stampede boots are fantastic for Cyclone

Magna Eclipsis is an excellent shield until you can get the Surrender and is cheap to get

CWDT is not super useful due to high block, but come handy when you most need it.

Devotion cluster for life seems not very efficient use of points if you didn't fill Constitution and Bloodless

Diamond flask with Attack speed and inc duration is the best damage flask for this build I can think of

Some stuff to do:
Add Enlighten so I can use lvl 22 Precision from amulet
Corrupted blood on one of the jewels (currently I switch when needed)
Caustic Arrow/Death's Oath Occultist - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2990048
Last edited by f4ward on Oct 21, 2020, 9:35:37 AM
f4ward wrote:
Playing the build for a second league now.

A few changes and thoughts on the build, in no particular order:

Herald of purity + Circle of guilt (59% inc/4% reduced) seems to give less DPS/survivability than Flesh and Stone+Maim combo, and I loose a ring slot for resists/life/curse or whatever I need.

Ring with Assassin's mark looks better than Vulnerability since it's a guaranteed trigger (instead of on hit) on Rares/Uniques, which is where I would need the damage boost.

Stampede boots are fantastic for Cyclone

Magna Eclipsis is an excellent shield until you can get the Surrender and is cheap to get

CWDT is not super useful due to high block, but come handy when you most need it.

Devotion cluster for life seems not very efficient use of points if you didn't fill Constitution and Bloodless

Diamond flask with Attack speed and inc duration is the best damage flask for this build I can think of

Some stuff to do:
Add Enlighten so I can use lvl 22 Precision from amulet
Corrupted blood on one of the jewels (currently I switch when needed)

Low resists from rings, none from boots and ammy. What are your resists at?

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