[3.25]The BLOCKMAN

Just want to say this build has been amazing especially on standards with optimal gear.
Check out my profile, I have put my own twist on it with more life and dps.
Currently at 25mil dps without vaal ancestral and can do all content even though I am not a skilled player.
Thanks for the build.
nvm worked
Last edited by ilizan on Oct 19, 2020, 7:22:48 PM
What should I do to get enough mana to run the auras and cyclone? While leveling it was easy with a praxis, but when I replace it, how do you sustain?
Hello. I've been following this guide for a few days now and I'd like some help because I feel a bit lost.

I'm at level 90 and here is my gear so far

Here is my problem. My skill tree is the exact same as yours but I only have 4451 life atm. I can do maps just fine but where I have a problem is A8. I've seen your A8 videos and I can see that you can stand on his degen things he spawns on the ground for a while but I either instantly die or I'm left with ~1k life. In the video you can tank almost every attack he throws at you but I get one shot a lot of the times. Does anyone have any idea what's causing that and also why my life pool is that much lower? I don't think that +10-15 life on the amulet/ring/armour is going to raise my health pool by 1k.
What should I do to get enough mana to run the auras and cyclone? While leveling it was easy with a praxis, but when I replace it, how do you sustain?

Praxis is replaced with -mana on chest. I think you need -mana from somewhere to make your cyclone free.
marios707 wrote:
Hello. I've been following this guide for a few days now and I'd like some help because I feel a bit lost.

I'm at level 90 and here is my gear so far

Here is my problem. My skill tree is the exact same as yours but I only have 4451 life atm. I can do maps just fine but where I have a problem is A8. I've seen your A8 videos and I can see that you can stand on his degen things he spawns on the ground for a while but I either instantly die or I'm left with ~1k life. In the video you can tank almost every attack he throws at you but I get one shot a lot of the times. Does anyone have any idea what's causing that and also why my life pool is that much lower? I don't think that +10-15 life on the amulet/ring/armour is going to raise my health pool by 1k.

There is 35% more life from the tree in the PoB than in your character's tree. 20% from Devotion cluster and 15% from the Constitution cluster.

For Sirus, do you have an anti corrupted blood jewel?
Haewk wrote:
marios707 wrote:
Hello. I've been following this guide for a few days now and I'd like some help because I feel a bit lost.

I'm at level 90 and here is my gear so far

Here is my problem. My skill tree is the exact same as yours but I only have 4451 life atm. I can do maps just fine but where I have a problem is A8. I've seen your A8 videos and I can see that you can stand on his degen things he spawns on the ground for a while but I either instantly die or I'm left with ~1k life. In the video you can tank almost every attack he throws at you but I get one shot a lot of the times. Does anyone have any idea what's causing that and also why my life pool is that much lower? I don't think that +10-15 life on the amulet/ring/armour is going to raise my health pool by 1k.

There is 35% more life from the tree in the PoB than in your character's tree. 20% from Devotion cluster and 15% from the Constitution cluster.

For Sirus, do you have an anti corrupted blood jewel?

Yes you are right, that was my mistake. Consider my complain wrong. I didn't notice that the Devotion cluster gave so much % health. Yes I have a corrupted blood immunity jewel. I guess I'll have to level up some more.
I was playing this until level 92, switched to another build with shitload of life instead of block. Now at 95 I could afford the shield and weapon and switched back to this.

But my damage just sucks really hard. Could someone check my blockman and tell me what I do wrong / what I am missing and should upgrade next?
how are you quys getting 100% impale chance? i only have 60% impale chance and i dont find any more impale nodes from the tree...
s0nerdi wrote:
how are you quys getting 100% impale chance? i only have 60% impale chance and i dont find any more impale nodes from the tree...

40% from the impale support gem, so you only see the 100% when you check cyclone, not the auto attack.

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