[3.15] ANCESTRAL WARCHIEF CHIEFTAIN Build (2020 Edition).Cheap,Strong League Starter, 15M+ DPS!

lacalaca wrote:
Hey Angry have to say that i'm having problems this league, but the damage is not one of them (POGGERS), last league i ran this for the first time and with 3-5 ex felt like a godslayer, now i don't know what's the problem but i feel uber squishy, my damage is fine since i have not invested in the xoph and the 6-link +1 gem chest piece yet and still doing around 300k damage with a 4 link, but i'm running white t3 maps and feels like the enemies can KO me if i'm not paying attention, i don't know if this is normal i don't remember being this squishy last league.

Here is my pob if you or anyone wants to checkout: https://pastebin.com/EzcyFBAv

POb checks are currently for Patron supporters due to huge magnitude of requests, but i checked your character and it looks like you have some really good gear for level 70 character. Everything seems in place, except for low life rolls, but for 70 level character it's all great anyway.
To be honest the changes in 3.15 are shit. A lot of mobs have ailment immunities and shit, so it's much more dangerous now.. And most builds lost 40% of damage.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Carcass Jack any good for this build or just loose too much defence?
hey :)

I am looking at this for my second char this league. Looking specifically at a boss killer.

How do you feel it is fairing as a boss killer? I have a good clearing build already but i am struggling on most ST fights.

Or do you have a better suggestion for a boss killer this league?

Much appreciated love your builds!


hey :)

I am looking at this for my second char this league. Looking specifically at a boss killer.

How do you feel it is fairing as a boss killer? I have a good clearing build already but i am struggling on most ST fights.

Or do you have a better suggestion for a boss killer this league?

Much appreciated love your builds!



either this or skeletons
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
OK i suppose i know the answer but is there any way i can get a bit more toughness into this build, red maps are giving me trouble to say the least. Leap slamming into mobs to proc fortify = instant death.

Failing that would you say your skeleton build is any tougher?
EDMOSES wrote:
OK i suppose i know the answer but is there any way i can get a bit more toughness into this build, red maps are giving me trouble to say the least. Leap slamming into mobs to proc fortify = instant death.

Failing that would you say your skeleton build is any tougher?

Where is basalt flask? Jade does nothing to you. I also see Wise oak.
Not to mention = no freeze on boots is instant death.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Hey Angry_Roleplayer, first I just wanted to say thank you for the amazing build guide and for continuing to support it and help people out, you are pretty much the only reason I have any idea what I am doing in the game and this build has been working great this league.

I just had 1 question about the jewels, in the "Actual Gear" section you have a Lethal Pride timeless jewell of the Kaom variant, which is supposed to give Strengh of Blood, but in the Path of Building it is just some weird Rare Jewel called "LETHAL PRIDE" and does something completetly different.

So I was wondering which one I should go for, the Path of Building, or the Unique Lethal Pride one that is in the "Actual Gear" section.
conorpo wrote:
Hey Angry_Roleplayer, first I just wanted to say thank you for the amazing build guide and for continuing to support it and help people out, you are pretty much the only reason I have any idea what I am doing in the game and this build has been working great this league.

I just had 1 question about the jewels, in the "Actual Gear" section you have a Lethal Pride timeless jewell of the Kaom variant, which is supposed to give Strengh of Blood, but in the Path of Building it is just some weird Rare Jewel called "LETHAL PRIDE" and does something completetly different.

So I was wondering which one I should go for, the Path of Building, or the Unique Lethal Pride one that is in the "Actual Gear" section.

the one on pob is the one i had for sure, back when pob was unable to support timeless jewels
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Sorry this just really confuses me because according to the Wiki the only way to get a non-unique Timeless Jewel was to corrupt it, so I just dont see how it is possible to get a Rare Timeless Jewel with these stats.
conorpo wrote:
Sorry this just really confuses me because according to the Wiki the only way to get a non-unique Timeless Jewel was to corrupt it, so I just dont see how it is possible to get a Rare Timeless Jewel with these stats.

there was no support for these jewels in pob so you had to simulate the stats on a rare
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/

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