[Console] Xbox One Patch 3.9.2b Crash

UhSquirrell wrote:
If they did test their patches, they tested on original Xbox one. From what I have noticed through my friends is that with the original Xbox it is very smooth and doesn’t crash. But with the Xbox 1 x it’s unplayable. So as always hurry up and wait.

Crash everytime i go on the atlas and i'm on Xbox One fat.
Last edited by joey vol3 on Jan 21, 2020, 9:21:53 AM
I still don't understand why GGG didn't revert back to previous patch until this issue was resolved. There is zero chance this wouldn't have been the protocol on PC.

Sorry, but until console mtx is discounted in perpetuity I will continue to make this comparison.
pbfloyd2112 wrote:
I still don't understand why GGG didn't revert back to previous patch until this issue was resolved. There is zero chance this wouldn't have been the protocol on PC.

Sorry, but until console mtx is discounted in perpetuity I will continue to make this comparison.

Exactly this. It’s amateur shit you would expect from an indie company with 20 employees. It blows my mind how tencent is sitting back and saying “yeah that’s fine, definitely not room for improvement on our investment”

I’ve crashed to dashboard 3 times in the last 10 minutes. Half of that time was loading. Bravo Crashing Gear Games
Last edited by LOLUBAD on Jan 21, 2020, 11:28:15 AM
Hey xboxers, according to pc boys' intel your game will be playable again in March.
Game is still unplayable wow thats crazy its been over a day just take it back a patch so people can play. And if you have a fix why not release it already if the game is unplayable.
They updated the original post here. Patch will launch 1500 central time. They replicated the crashes so soon we will be able to play again
I will probably get allot of stick for saying this but hay ho lol I know this league hasn't got off to a great start and there has been some major issues but think we as the community have been a tad harsh myself included.

This is a learning experience for GGG a big one granted but they can only improve from here on. They are listening to us and this thread is a good start. communication is the key and them keeping us informed is a improvement in itself.

It has been a very frustrating league start and I have had a few things to say myself so I do get everyone's frustration. we do have to remember they only have a small team working on Pc ps xbox POE 2 the mobile game and all the new content etc . this shouldn't have happened in the first place I know but we need to be a little patient, just a little lol

yes this last patch really screwed the game up but it has seemed to have made the game run far smoother than ever before until it crashes. and how many game studios would have a fix for this mistake within 48 hours? I cant think of any.

That being said I would like to suggest this to GGG. instead of pushing out new content every 3 months perhaps make it every 4 months, give yourself a extra month so you can properly test it out on live realms so this never happens again, just testing on test realms will only end up with the same issues down the line. I am sure the majority of people would be more than happy to play a league for 4 months and know the next one will start off without any issues.

I have my fingers crossed that the upcoming patch will resolve the issues
QuitCrying541 wrote:
I made an account to let you all know how much you sound like little baby’s. LoL entitlements everywhere! The game will be up and running after your done with nap time. You BIG mad huh....

You made an account just for that?, says way more about you than it does about anyone else you sad sad little person!!

I have played this game since the beginning and I love it 100% my all time fav. I have put many hours into it and have seen this game progress by 10 fold. They literally make a new season every 3 months and people are complaining about some bugs here and there. I completely agree they should have reverted back so it was playable for the day. The new map in my opinion is great I feel they have done nothing but make the game better and I see so many people getting triggered about a few bugs every time. How much did you pay for this game? Not including micro transactions... Zero oh okay...
QuitCrying541 wrote:
QuitCrying541 wrote:
I made an account to let you all know how much you sound like little baby’s. LoL entitlements everywhere! The game will be up and running after your done with nap time. You BIG mad huh....

You made an account just for that?, says way more about you than it does about anyone else you sad sad little person!!

I have played this game since the beginning and I love it 100% my all time fav. I have put many hours into it and have seen this game progress by 10 fold. They literally make a new season every 3 months and people are complaining about some bugs here and there. I completely agree they should have reverted back so it was playable for the day. The new map in my opinion is great I feel they have done nothing but make the game better and I see so many people getting triggered about a few bugs every time. How much did you pay for this game? Not including micro transactions... Zero oh okay...

I never realized I could link my Xbox account on here lolol. Don’t use this site much. And Danowat32 I am sad but I enjoy this game enough to not complain about it when I know they put so much work into it every 3 months. Sorry for the toxicity, I just don’t feel like the bugs outweigh the advancements they have made.
QuitCrying541 wrote:
QuitCrying541 wrote:
I made an account to let you all know how much you sound like little baby’s. LoL entitlements everywhere! The game will be up and running after your done with nap time. You BIG mad huh....

You made an account just for that?, says way more about you than it does about anyone else you sad sad little person!!

I have played this game since the beginning and I love it 100% my all time fav. I have put many hours into it and have seen this game progress by 10 fold. They literally make a new season every 3 months and people are complaining about some bugs here and there. I completely agree they should have reverted back so it was playable for the day. The new map in my opinion is great I feel they have done nothing but make the game better and I see so many people getting triggered about a few bugs every time. How much did you pay for this game? Not including micro transactions... Zero oh okay...

how much did you pay sport? how much money do we have to cough up to be treated with respect? nice fake account as you say. cant even use its real gamertag to shame others. that shows us all we need to know about you.

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