[Elïte] NA | Casual | SC Temp | Soloish Players

Update: August, 2022
Looking for a home for Lake League? Maybe we're a fit for you. We're a bunch of players who like to play poe. We just ask that you're a competent player and register on our discord. Voice activity is dead, but we're trying to get it active again. We don't care if you can play 1 hour a day, 1 day a week. We're not a crazy group play guild doing rotas and support builds. If you're a player who likes to play solo, but maybe offer the occasional map share or item then we could be a fit for you.

Our focus:
- SC temp leagues, occasionally we private league or play some ssf.
- We are experienced players who like playing mostly solo (sorry, no party play, no organized events, no mf/support builds, etc)
- We don't want to spend our time answering a ton of questions, so we ask any players joining to have at least a level 90 character as proof of some ingame competence.
- I can't guarantee if a league will be bad, I can't control what people have going on. So we make no promises about activity from league to league. If you're searching for a super active guild that plays all day, search else where!

- Guild hideout
- Discord, with custom ranks
- 50+ stash tabs + all the new affinity tabs

There's only a few requirements to join!
- focus on sc temp leagues
- some of us have limited gaming time, and just don't want to spend it answer how links work.
- activity level doesn't matter, as long as you log in once every 6 months or leave me a message if you're going to be gone longer then that.

- Register on our discord!!!!: https://discord.gg/TWt4pkq
- Read the rules on the discord welcome channel, follow the directions at the bottom to gain access to the whole server.
- Our voice chat is pretty dead, but we use discord text channels to talk and share things.

We've created multiple unofficial positions to help with different aspects of the guild. Below we have the current officers and positions we're seeking help in.

Officer Positions and Hall of Fame

Pale Council
Pale Council are the active and trusted members who have worked their way up the ranks to become the most trusted members in the guild. They are the co-leaders of the guild, and first in line for becoming leader in the event of the leader stepping down.

Shaper's Guardians
The Shaper's Guardians are trusted members of the guild. They are often the most active members ingame and on Discord.

The Headhunter's help with the recruit thread and discord work.

Ascended are trusted members ingame, but who are not officers.

Member of the guild.

Hall of Fame
For past members and officers who had a lasting impact on the guild.
Hall of Fame Inductees
Daegoon - OG who brought in many of our best and active players. Mike, please stop playing dota and pubg, and come back to PoE!
truesob - We miss your grumpy butt. You were always a pain to deal with on TS, but you also always called people on their BS. Miss you buddy.
youmadyo - 70,000 beyond demons. RIP Exorcyst.

On my command, unleash hell.
Last edited by IamLordeShadow on Aug 13, 2022, 2:55:58 PM
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2022, 7:45:01 PM

We occasionally do some different kinds of giveaways for members. This can be random drawings, competitions, etc. We've been able to give away hundreds of exalts, free items, and other really awesome prizes.

Holiday Giveaway #1 : 12/14
Winner: Kara_Bop

St. Patricks Day Giveaway : 3/15
Winner: Degithelion

Random Giveaway! : 12/15

Christmas Giveaway! : 12/15

Hideout Contest Giveaway! : 12/15

Hideout Contest Giveaway! : 12/15

SSF HC Race to Golden Hand in Crypt A2 : 2017
1. Scisco
2. Icedecknight
3. Truesob
4. NineJuanJuan

Pet Races and Roulette: Aug 2017
~75 chaos gambled, 1 exalt given out

Our hall of fame for the awesome members who have donated points to buy member slots and guild stash tabs! :)

200 from scisco
3000 from Darkfyre
5 from Krazzyhick
50 from scisco
5 from Bishop2007
50 from MajinVejito
30 from Fireball52
40 from wowow2264
90 from SlayerJabo
100 from MajinVejito
5 from wowow2264
50 from Fireball52
50 from scisco
100 from MajinVejito
21 from Daegoon

Thanks for taking the time to check us out. If you have any questions feel free to ask. And again, if you're applying to join, please register on our discord first! We wont send you an invite without doing it.
On my command, unleash hell.
Last edited by IamLordeShadow on Dec 24, 2019, 9:26:22 PM
On my command, unleash hell.
ElitePack, recruiting for metamorph!
On my command, unleash hell.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact either Shadow or myself :)
Bump for ElitePack! If you have questions feel free to ask! Join our discord in join the guild!
On my command, unleash hell.
We have been starting to get some fun events going for Metamorph.

For example, we saved up a bunch of blighted maps as a guild to run them together this weekend.
Still recruiting for metamorph!
On my command, unleash hell.
Guild chat is always active and helpful. If you're looking for information, conversation, trades, or advice, you can find it with us.
Seeking active players, just register on our discord and ask for an invite!
On my command, unleash hell.

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