Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas - Awakener Kill Event

Hey Does this Mean SSFHC greater than any other mode in the game for COA?
Lol, post removal? Ok... Again if all hype was for this then bummer.
I'd add one more rule: Complaining about dying on the forums gets you a 48 hour ban from SSFHC.
I'm going to drop out of elementary school and play POE for a living. I will win the grand prize!!!
my limit on HC was merci malachi that ripped my ass back in the day. yes,yes i know you didnt have to do merci malachi to run maps but ffs it just didnt feel right to me to not kill him. this sounds fun as fuck and i have ZERO expections of winning shit but it looks to be a goddamn good time. think i'm in just for the shits and giggles.
Damn I wish kripp would come back and win this as he did first diablo 3 HC kill, before nerf :D
oh wow this is insane.
This will be fun to watch.
GGG please consider doing a SC SSF version of this, even with toned down MTX prizes..

For the past few leagues, there is no Asian gateway on the English client stable enough to be hardcore viable.. the lag spikes, DC and crashes essentially blocks out all the players from that region from having a real shot at this HC only event.

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