[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Some of these things you guys just have to play and try in POB and see the difference in DPS/ES. For example, it is easy in POB to swap a gem or increase the levels/quality and see the results. Most gems linked to VOrtex benefit from levels, some for quality, and some awakened adds plenty of dmg. I'd be careful doing this with clusters though, I sometimes experiment with adding different clusters to POB to see results, but when I equip the actual cluster sometimes the results don't match.

Clarity can help you reach insane levels of mana regen so that you can reserve more and still never run out. But the huge plus is using the Vaal version. Because you get a 10 second window of unlimited mana to burst down a boss, or at the start of a map, or during a ritual...

Thread of hope should be a large ring, and you can check plenty of characters here (mine included) to see some nodes to take. But there is flexibility, some take the ES leech spell damage node, the +25 str/dex node is helpful while working on your gear, etc.

Temp chains isn't great, enfeeble might be better, offensive curse like ele weakness is even better still. Kill things before they can hit you.

Not dissing people - but sometimes it's worth reading a few pages back before posting - because you can see all these things discussed very recently. Some of the stuff is controversial, and people are doing different things, up to you to decide which bits you like and want to copy. Some are stacking auras, or using other ways to add curses, different spells, etc.

I personally feel like the explosions from Profane Bloom do help as they mean you can one-shot packs even with cold snap or storm brand (which I use to proc curses). And combined with all the other sources of ES leech, regen, etc as long as you are doing damage you shouldn't die.
For those running hextouch are you then using whatever skill you link it to self cast?

Also thoughts on putting in Vitality vs Discipline in a unset socket with +2/3 to socketed gem?
Last edited by lostpike on Feb 10, 2021, 9:39:23 AM
I dont have a +skill socket ring yet, but my plan was for discipline. Im a little short on mana already, and havent leveled vitality to 20 yet.
I still use Blas + Temp Chains tied together and i enjoy having it that way.

I don't want to spam Curses while mapping to get the explosions.

As for mana Reservation - i Just take a Medium Cluster with First Amoung Equals and the Discipline has -30% mana Reservation allowing me to run all the Aura's i want + Blas.

I set at 9500 ES right now with Chayula. Though i have a nice +1/+1 Amulet coming as a work in progress
+1 Spell
+1 Cold
+40%+ Cold Resist
+30 life (Will be stripping this -> for %inc ES enchant)

Will have 2 free suffix to Augment Cold + 1 more

Overall.. waiting for Aug Cold for my Gloves and Amulet sadly..

Will i do less damage using Temp chains and not 2x damage curse ? Of Course.. is there anything i have trouble killing so far ? Nope

clarity helps a lots!

With my supports Vortex costs 72 mana to cast, every 0.78 seconds (cooldown helm). That's 92 mana per seconds.

In addition I use cyclone with which cost 3 mana every 0.7 seconds.

Add the occasional flame dash and cold snap, and we can round to 100 mana/s.

I regen naturally 51 mana per second. With a clarity 6, I regen exactly... 100 mana/s ^^

note: it's now at level 10 because when I started using it I didn't have as much aura effect, and my Vitality level was limited by my str anyway. I will probably de-level my clarity a bit when I don't forget to do it.

Well finally cleared all of the bosses and decided to do a bit of a report. Overall managed to clear everything with full CI build, but maven fight and 4 breachlods invitation gave a hard time so i switched to low life and cleared both of these fights as well as awakening 9 Sirus.

Personally perfered full CI version sitting on 12.5k ES felt a lot more comftorable in mapping as well as an option to keep fortify and fast mobility with shield charge. But damage boost helped out a lot during Maven fight to reduce degen zones amount to 2. And allowed me to kill breachlords prior to them overwhelming me with numbers.

To summarize i had a lot of fun with this build reached lvl 96 and probably gathered some of a strongest gear i've ever had.
Last edited by KoTleTA on Feb 10, 2021, 3:18:39 PM
I'm just a lowlife. This build is absurd, at least try it once!

My new witch wearing some random 5L skirt punched out in sequence:
cruel, merciless and über Lab, to end up at level 65 with 8 Ascension perks.
And going from level 50 to 65 in terms of XP. Vortex with some curses turns everything to snot.

Just doing some my first time endgame fights.

Dps against Sirus is 2.6M

Can I do 5 orbs delirium(T16 juciy map) and Legion 5 ways( or maybe 4 ways)?

Just incase.
Once you've determined what items remain for you to craft, get out the LOWEST level base from the 2 items of each type that you farmed from the Ossuary. You'll be working on them in this order (skipping any that you have a rare for):

Does this mean I have to craft the lower item level base instead of the higher one?

If so, why? Is the propability higher to get decent rolls on the lower ilvl items than on the higher ilvl ones?

Thanks for answering
circleback wrote:
Once you've determined what items remain for you to craft, get out the LOWEST level base from the 2 items of each type that you farmed from the Ossuary. You'll be working on them in this order (skipping any that you have a rare for):

Does this mean I have to craft the lower item level base instead of the higher one?

If so, why? Is the propability higher to get decent rolls on the lower ilvl items than on the higher ilvl ones?

Thanks for answering

reason for picking lower ilvl is because you remove alot of the affixes from the pool which means higher chance of getting what you want,i've done this with wands in the past.

I don't want to spam Curses while mapping to get the explosions.
don't need to spam curses manually if you slot Stormbrand+hextouch+curse in your socket trigger weapon,everything will proc it including Frostbomb. (i manual cast this for bosses which was rec by roselan and tbh i prefer it this way as don't really need it for trash)
Last edited by Valkirth on Feb 11, 2021, 1:48:36 AM

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