[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Hey there, I need some advices.

I got around 10 exalted to buy new gears due to a lucky drop, but I just can't decide what to prioritise.
I usually don't get this "far".

note that I'm still CI because I'm quite afraid to switch to LL as I often die in t13+ maps

Any help welcome !
Last edited by graboubou on Feb 9, 2021, 4:50:56 PM
graboubou wrote:
note that I'm still CI because I'm quite afraid to switch to LL as I often die in t13+ maps
I felt a huge power spike when I switched to CI and I even had more ES after the switch. Survivability increased a ton. I did have to spend quite a bit to balance resists though, so it was probably a general increase in gear level.

This is my first league playing Vortex and I'm loving it. Cleared Maven (went in blind!) and A9 Sirus without much trouble. Sirus gifted me an Awakened Hextouch and I'm wondering what to do with it. Here's my tentative plan:
- Sell it and buy a level 5 because leveling it sounds terribly slow (difference is ~3 ex).
- Unspec Whispers of Doom, rearrange tree for Thread of Hope and a 2nd large cluster setup.
- Unspec Profane Bloom and take Malediction. Not sure if this would give me a 3rd curse depending on the order their applied, but Awakened Hextouch covers hex proof and I haven't found much value in the explosions from Profane Bloom.

Thoughts? Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/KykjqBbg
How many damage does cold damage over time multiplier give? Switched the wand +18% and bought +32%. My pob says that I obtained only +150k dmg, because my previous wand had +40% spell damage. Seems to suck lol. I thought this multiplier works like more damage multiplier and should really give a ton.

Also can someone tell me if I can craft this multiplier on my amulet using harvest?
Somewhat of a novice here. I followed Shak's guide as best I could and am into low life. Been doing pretty well on all content, main thing is that I feel squishy against bosses.

I have no idea where to go from where I'm at and would really appreciate some pointers. Have 20-25 ex to spend.


Things on my mind:
* The POB said to take Whispers of Doom + Vile Bastion but not Malediction. That's a mistake? Been using Chayula as directed.

* Wand, gloves, boots, ring are probably my weak spots but haven't felt secure dropping money on them in case I need to make bigger changes to the build

* Not sure how important alt quality/ higher quality or level 21 gems are

* Been using temporal chains as direct but seems like that's bad?

* I'm confused about what cluster jewels people are using/where. Anyone want to share their POB?

* What size of Thread of Hope are being used and if I go that route how does that affect which skills I take?

Thank you so much! I've been reading these posts but there's so much conflicting. Feeling real lost.

PS: This league is a blast. Got my friend hooked. I was feeling really bad about how things were going and realized that from the time I switched to LL early in the league to like a week ago, I wasn't casting frostbite, discipline, or blood and sand! Oof. Also I got a 40% vortex damage Rime's Gaze which felt crazy lucky. Thanks everyone for making this game fun.
* Been using temporal chains as direct but seems like that's bad?
I've followed donbrawler's advice and went 2x offense curses attached to hextouch (Frostbite, ele weakness).

* What size of Thread of Hope are being used and if I go that route how does that affect which skills I take?
I haven't made the switch to it yet, but looks like most people use large and in a different place than ShakCentral's guide.

* I'm confused about what cluster jewels people are using/where. Anyone want to share their POB?
I looked at donbrawler's and roselan's characters as guides for tree + gear. For instance, I've been a fan of flesh and stone + aspect of spider + vitality (in ring) and wouldn't have known about it from just the page 1 guide. I have no idea why some people are running clarity - maybe Watcher's Eye?
Anyways I recommend looking at their profiles (they have tons of clusters), it's been super helpful for me. And anyone else in this thread who sounds like they know what they're doing.
katonsew wrote:
How many damage does cold damage over time multiplier give? Switched the wand +18% and bought +32%. My pob says that I obtained only +150k dmg, because my previous wand had +40% spell damage. Seems to suck lol. I thought this multiplier works like more damage multiplier and should really give a ton.

Also can someone tell me if I can craft this multiplier on my amulet using harvest?

You can, if it's not a pref.
Last edited by Its_OP on Feb 10, 2021, 3:16:58 AM
What size of Thread of Hope are being used and if I go that route how does that affect which skills I take?
depends where you are putting it but generally large as it allows you to grab 4-5 good nodes easy.

Been using temporal chains as direct but seems like that's bad?

tbh i swapped to Flesh and stone+aspect of the spider and find it to be better imho.

I'm confused about what cluster jewels people are using/where. Anyone want to share their POB?
well it is somewhat preference but here is mine if your wondering,just note its not 100% finished yet https://pastebin.com/wMTx1qA5
Valkirth wrote:
What size of Thread of Hope are being used and if I go that route how does that affect which skills I take?
depends where you are putting it but generally large as it allows you to grab 4-5 good nodes easy.

Been using temporal chains as direct but seems like that's bad?

tbh i swapped to Flesh and stone+aspect of the spider and find it to be better imho.

I'm confused about what cluster jewels people are using/where. Anyone want to share their POB?
well it is somewhat preference but here is mine if your wondering,just note its not 100% finished yet https://pastebin.com/wMTx1qA5

But temp chains reservs less mana then aspect+flesh and stone. How can we use them together in this way?
katonsew wrote:
Valkirth wrote:
What size of Thread of Hope are being used and if I go that route how does that affect which skills I take?
depends where you are putting it but generally large as it allows you to grab 4-5 good nodes easy.

Been using temporal chains as direct but seems like that's bad?

tbh i swapped to Flesh and stone+aspect of the spider and find it to be better imho.

I'm confused about what cluster jewels people are using/where. Anyone want to share their POB?
well it is somewhat preference but here is mine if your wondering,just note its not 100% finished yet https://pastebin.com/wMTx1qA5

But temp chains reservs less mana then aspect+flesh and stone. How can we use them together in this way?
mana Reduction nodes on the tree allow me to run zealotry,Vitality,Discipline,Malevolence,Hatred,aspect of the spider,Flesh and stone with enfeeble on curse on hit (also frostbite on hit via ring),i don't run blasphemy which frees up a ton of mana for other things
Can someone give me suggestions about the second tree of cluster jewels? I have about 10 points + 3 I will get when I level up, and I want to invest them.
Also I ask somebody to evaluate my choice of cluster jewels if I'm doing right.
Here's my pob.

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