[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

PeonKing wrote:

This wand is decent, good enough for end game contents.

But this build does not benefit from Gain X% cold damage as Chaos damage,
becoz Damage Conversion applies to Hit, not DoT.

if u are going to Remove a Physical mod and Augment a Cold/Caster modifier
Beware +cold damage to spell will ruin this build and there is no easy to remove it without taking risk

Yup, but has you said, slam cold can ruin the thing, slam ex is pretty random.

Slam add influence may be to aim for#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill and hope not to have Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells, Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance....

Cold as extra chaos can provide a really low DPS boost to other spells and it's pretty safe, and can be used for other futur cold spells test ^^

Thanks a lot mate

First i want to say, thanks for that guide. Its much more in depth and easier to follow than another guide i wont mention.

Have you thought about the new support gem that makes mobs explode when a curse runs out? I imagine it would trigger every time i run away from a mob such that it leaves my aura?
TieJäi wrote:
Have you thought about the new support gem that makes mobs explode when a curse runs out? I imagine it would trigger every time i run away from a mob such that it leaves my aura?

That only applied to self-cast curses, doesn't it? Not curses turned into auras with Blasphemy?
This is the best guide I ever seeing!
Just did a deathless uber Elder with this. It's pretty damn tanky indeed. Not the fastest run (not slow by any means) but much safer and easier than I expected for an ES without leech build (CI version). That ES on block is really really good.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
From the Hexes change notes>

The curses that are now considered Hexes are Flammability, Frostbite, Conductivity, Elemental Weakness, Vulnerability, Despair, Temporal Chains, Enfeeble and Punishment.

This is a new skill gem that calls down a beam of chaos damage on the target. If the target is cursed with a hex, it consumes that hex and causes a shockwave around that enemy. Similar to Impending Doom, the more Doom the supported hex built up, the greater damage the skill deals.

Although Hexblast is a chaos damage spell, it has some elemental-themed properties that make it special. For one, the damage it deals has the ability to ignite, shock or freeze. Secondly, it deals damage based on the lowest resistance the enemy has! For example, this lets you use an offensive hex such as Flammability and still make use of the fire resistance reduction that it provides.

So, FrostBite manually to allow selfcast+EE with trigger+ Void Beacon+ Hexblast and enemies cold resistance goes to...minus 120 or what XD. More micromanaging, but enemy resistances may go to ridiculous numbers.

This Hex things is getting...confusing. Whats the interaction between Frostbite+TempChains + Hex Blast+ Profane Bloom ,...looks like a puzzle to me.
Last edited by ArisFuser on Sep 10, 2020, 9:38:05 AM
Obviously, this is heavily dependent on patch notes, particularly as it relates to Glancing Blows possibly getting nerfed, but a new PoB with updated trees is up on the front page.

Working a few new ideas into this one. Picked up some more defensive nodes and added 10% chance to gain Elusive on kill to the build, which should help a ton for both safety and move speed.

Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
Last edited by ShakCentral on Sep 10, 2020, 3:25:04 PM
Since we dont have patch notes yet, why did you change anything in the first place? Well i have the old 3.11 pob saved anyways. ill look into it tomorrow.
TieJäi wrote:
Since we dont have patch notes yet, why did you change anything in the first place? Well i have the old 3.11 pob saved anyways. ill look into it tomorrow.

The PoB in section 1.4 is unchanged. There's nothing wrong with working on the build beforehand, as very little is likely to change in patch notes outside of Glancing Blows or nodes shifting a bit. Most guide authors don't have unlimited time in the 2 days between patch notes and league launch for changes, so I got ahead of it.
Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
Looking to use this for league start. Great guide.

Question: Mark of the Shaper adds lightning damage. Does this mess up Elemental Equilibrium? I always heard to avoid added flat damage of other elements to avoid this.

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